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  1. abnhog

    NAMIBIA: Namibia Chapter Two

    Congratulations on your second leopard. I’m debating with myself about hunting another leopard. I hope to have my first back from the taxidermist by the end of the year.
  2. abnhog

    Prayers for Mike

    Stay strong and get well.
  3. abnhog

    ZIMBABWE: Terrific With Tokoloshe Safaris!!!

    Outstanding and congratulations on your bull. Sounds like a great trip and safari.
  4. abnhog

    What TV hunting personality?

    I’d want to turkey hunt with Ronnie “Cuz” Strickland. I can’t think of a more genuine person on TV.
  5. abnhog

    Who prioritize fitness for your upcoming and future safaris?

    I try and get into the gym by 0615 everyday. I found I don’t generally get work calls that early. Plus, I enjoy having my day started with the hardest thing (physically) I’ll most likely do. I have noticed that my shooting has improved greatly with the cardio and weight training. Holding A...
  6. abnhog

    The Adventure Begins!!!!

    IT will look something similar to attached picture
  7. abnhog

    The Adventure Begins!!!!

    KanatI Taxidermy in PA is doing just the two horns for me on a pedestal that will sit at the end of my bar. $600 compared to 3K plush for a shoulder replica. Just a thought. The great thing is if you have the measurements and pics you can do have something done at anytime. Also, I did not...
  8. abnhog

    The Adventure Begins!!!!

    Glad you had such a great experience with your rhino.
  9. abnhog

    The Adventure Begins!!!!

    Good luck with your Rhino.
  10. abnhog

    Rhino, Elephant, Buffalo Saturday!!!

    Safe travels and best of luck.
  11. abnhog

    Age of first African hunting trip

    My first trip was in 2003 and I was 35. At that time thought I’d be paying for that trip for the rest of my life. Headed to Zim in July to hopefully get my elephant and complete my Big 5. You can never go just once. Enjoy your Safari.
  12. abnhog


    Thank you for sharing and congratulations. Looking forward to my elephant hunt and having that experience for myself.
  13. abnhog

    Official AH Get Together In Nashville During Safari Club International (SCI) Convention 2024

    Had a great time. Great talking with folks that have done the hunts you want to do and get firsthand information. Looking forward to this year’s hunt.
  14. abnhog

    Official AH Get Together In Nashville During Safari Club International (SCI) Convention 2024

    I‘ll be attending. Looking forward to seeing folks.
  15. abnhog

    UGANDA: Uganda With KOS Safaris - This Is My Story

    Thank you for the great report. Uganda and a Situtunga are on my list.
  16. abnhog

    What are you up to this year? 2024 hunting plans!

    I’m headed to Zim with Philip Glass and crew to hopefully get a Bull elephant and complete my Big 5.
  17. abnhog

    DSC 2025 in Atlanta....are you going?

    As of now Jenni and I plan on going to Atlanta for DSC. We had a great time at Dave West’s home and enjoyed the AH Dinner the following night.
  18. abnhog

    Hippo Hunting With BAYLY SIPPEL SAFARIS In 2024

    Awesome hunt and video. Congrats to the whole team.
  19. abnhog

    Free Booze and Food! January 11th 2024

    If anyone is staying at the Westin or in the area and would like to get an Uber with Jenni and I to the event please let me know.
  20. abnhog

    Free Booze and Food! January 11th 2024

    Sir, Jenni and I get in to Dallas around 1600 on Thursday so we will try and make it out. I was wondering if she selling the prints? I hope to complete my Big 5 (elephant hunt in July) and would love to have those prints for my game room. Thanks Dan
  21. abnhog

    MOZAMBIQUE: Hunting Mozambique With Mashambanzou Safaris

    Omar, Congratulations to a wonderful safaris and some awesome trophies.
  22. abnhog

    MOZAMBIQUE: Niassa Reserve With KWALATA SAFARIS October 2023

    Awesome. Congrats on your leopard.
  23. abnhog

    ZIMBABWE: First Hunt In Africa, First Hunting Report, Dalton & York Safaris

    Congratulations on your hunt - awesome animals. I’m headed over in July of 2024 to hunt for a bull elephant to complete by Big 5 with D&Y. Reading your report and seeing your pictures just get the juices flowing.
  24. abnhog

    ZIMBABWE: Leopard, Buffalo Hunt With MJK Safaris

    Awesome. What a great outcome. Congrats.
  25. abnhog

    Sable Hunting Safari With BAYLY SIPPEL SAFARIS 2024

    I will second what @Fatback had to say. I hunted with Dempsey Bayly (Bayly and Sippel) and had awesome hunt. I was able to dart my rhino and complete the tiny ten (Sharpies Grysbok). Demps went above and beyond to get me an opportunity at these two primary animals. Can’t wait to go back.
  26. abnhog

    ZIMBABWE: Elephant & Leopard In Zimbabwe - Cancellation Hunt Report

    I’m interested in the North Fork cupped solid for my 375 and the elephant hunt
  27. abnhog

    ZIMBABWE: Elephant & Leopard In Zimbabwe - Cancellation Hunt Report

    Will be my first time hunting with them. I can’t wait. I met them at DSC last year.
  28. abnhog

    ZIMBABWE: Elephant & Leopard In Zimbabwe - Cancellation Hunt Report

    I’ll be hunting in the Omay for a bull. Fingers crossed on getting one and then trying to get him to Missouri.
  29. abnhog

    ZIMBABWE: Elephant & Leopard In Zimbabwe - Cancellation Hunt Report

    Congrats on your elephant bull and thank you for the report. I can’t wait till July 2024. I’ll be trying for my first elephant In Zim.
  30. abnhog

    TANZANIA: Selous Hunt With Alan Vincent From Vincent Safaris

    Awesome cat and great write up. Thank you
  31. abnhog


    Congratulations on your bull and a great report. I know how thick it is when I was trying to get a dart in a rhino.
  32. abnhog

    ZIMBABWE: Buffalo & Elephant With NYAMAZANA SAFARIS In The Save Valley Conservancy

    Congratulations on your elephant. Headed to Zim in 2024 for my first elephant hunt. Looking forward to hearing about your Buffalo hunt.
  33. abnhog

    Is retiring to Africa a wise decision?

    I’m currently eligible to retire and would love to spend part of the year in Southern Africa. I thought about building a chalet to keep my trophies (save on getting them sent to the US and a place to put the ones that can’t be imported to the US). I have talked with some outfitters about...
  34. abnhog

    ZIMBABWE: Surviving Myself, Cape Buffalo & Jurassic Park In The Omay

    Congratulations on your trip and Buffalo.
  35. abnhog

    ZIMBABWE: D-Day In The Omay (And D Doesn't Stand For Delta)

    Congratulations on your buffalo. I’m booked in July 2024 in the Omay for a bull elephant. Fingers crossed the quota does not get cut. Hoping to complete my Big 5.
  36. abnhog

    Researching leopard hunts...

    I did the process on line after I returned and was successful. It took about 22 days and I received an email saying my permit had been approved and 28 days to have the permit in my hand. I think it’s easier to do it after because they USFW want info about the cat and where it was harvested...
  37. abnhog


    I was informed today by John at Trophy Shipper’s that my Leopard (D & P and skull), jackal (tanned hide and skull), Impala (tanned hide and skull) should arrive at my house by the end of the week. My Cites was due to expire at the end of the month - so a bit worried. However, John and Trophy...
  38. abnhog

    Researching leopard hunts...

    I was informed today by John at Trophy Shipper’s that my Leopard (D & P and skull), jackal (tanned hide and skull), Impala (tanned hide and skull) should arrive at my house by the end of the week. My Cites was due to expire at the end of the month - so a bit worried. However, John and Trophy...
  39. abnhog

    Leather work advice need - Elastic cartridge holders

    I currently have one that holds 5 rounds and I my thought was to get a second slide so that I can carry softs in one and solids in the other. I’m going on an elephant hunt in 2024 and thought it would come in handy to have both with me just in case I needed to switch ammo quickly.
  40. abnhog

    Leather work advice need - Elastic cartridge holders

    I’d like one for a 375 H&H. Would you do a smaller slide? 5-6 rounds? Thanks
  41. Caracal & Blue Duiker Full Mount Taxidermy

    Caracal & Blue Duiker Full Mount Taxidermy

  42. abnhog

    Caracal & Blue Duiker - Together or separate mounts?

    I chose to have mine mounted together. I shot them both on the same day in the Eastern Cape. When they gutted the caracal it had a very nice male blue duiker inside of him. That is the other reason I decided to have them mounted together. However, they are great animals and would look...
  43. abnhog

    Americase Group Buy for 3-Gun rolling safari cases (order form here)

    I just made payment. Rookhawk thanks again for setting this whole process up.
  44. abnhog

    ZIMBABWE: Almost 12 Days In The Omay, The Nyakasanga Special With Dalton &York Safaris

    Congratulations and really enjoy your writing and taking us along on the safari. I’m headed that way in July 2024.
  45. abnhog

    ZIMBABWE: Zimbabwe 2023 - Mbalabala Safaris

    Awesome hunt. I’m headed to Zimbabwe in 2024 for my first elephant hunt and I can’t wait. Thanis for sharing.
  46. abnhog

    .375 Cal Suppressor anyone?

    Philip, I’d be very interested. Thanks Dan
  47. abnhog

    Saving Mana Pools

  48. abnhog

    NAMIBIA: Leopard Hunt With Nick Nolte Hunting Safaris

    Congratulations on your leopard and your other animals. I was also fortunate to take my leopard in Namibia this past August. Enjoy planning for our next safari.