Search results

  1. Agrarler

    Leopard or elephant in 2025

    Dear community and especially sponsors of AH, I’m looking for a hunt in autumn 2025. Target species should be leopard. My two oldest sons, next year 16 and 13, will join this trip like the other four safaris we’ve done so far. We hunted Zimbabwe and South Africa, each twice (trip reports are...
  2. Agrarler

    Early booking or last minute?

    I‘d like to share some thoughts with you and would like to hear your opinions: I finished 3 safaris and already booked number 4 for this October. I did the booking for those hunts all long in advance. I wonder if that is the best way? Reading the last minute offers or cancellation hunts...
  3. Agrarler

    Ideas for small cats wanted

    Dear all, Finally my trophies from last year’s safari in Zimbabwe are on the way to my taxidermist. The parcel includes some small cats (serval, Civit, wildcat and a porcupine). Now I’m looking for ideas how to mount them. I’m not sure if I should arrange them standing on the floor or hanging...
  4. Agrarler

    SOUTH AFRICA: Hunting South Africa With Spear Safaris

    Dear AH community, having collected and compared several offers via this forum I made my choice for Spear Safaris. For my two kids and myself it was the 3rd hunting trip to Africa. After having hunted two times in Zimbabwe (you can find short trip reports here too) we were really looking...
  5. Agrarler

    ZIMBABWE: Mixed Bag In Matetsi With The Kids - A Short Trip Report

    Like I promised in the other report I`m going to write a short report of the trip we just finished yesterday. First of all: it was a great and unforgettable trip- especially for the boys- who were in Africa for the first time. Please excuse that I don`t use their real names, I`ll name them No 1...
  6. Agrarler

    ZIMBABWE: Trip Report Zimbabwe Matetsi 2021

    After being postponed because of the Covid issue we´ve been finally able in October 2021 to make the long before planned trip to Zimbabwe. We, that are three hunting buddies and me. The plan was to hunt buffalo and after we´ve hopefully been successful we Would try to shoot some plains game. In...
  7. Agrarler

    Recommendation for next safari requested

    Dear all, I’d like to get some recommendations for my next trip to Africa. I’m looking for a two week hunting trip with my kids next spring or autumn. After having then hunted two times in the same outfit in Zimbabwe it’s time to explore a new corner of Africa. First priority: it has to be save...
  8. Agrarler

    Joining this forum from Germany- nice to meet you!

    Dear members and Africa fanatics, since I’m reading on this website for quite a long time day by day I thought it’s time to register now and introduce myself! All native englisch speakers: please excuse all my mistakes . Some words about myself: I’m mid 40 and grown up with hunting. I’m...