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  1. C

    In memoriam - Scott van Zyl

    I sometimes wonder if, when I pass one day, what my legacy will be? What will people remember me by or will they remember me at all? Well today we said goodbye to Scott van Zyl... Hunter, Husband, Family man and Friend to many... The church was packed to capacity. In fact; more chairs had to be...
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    Horn Porn...

    Thought I'd share pics of "out of the ordinary" trophies hunted with us this week... Watch this space... Best, Chris
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    There's an Elephant in my Backyard!

    Wanted to share these two interesting pictures with members here... Now there's nothing special about the pictures itself - much better pictures have been taken of elephants. But what is interesting about these pictures is "where" they were taken... Our property is situated 12 miles South of...
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    A little food for thought - Pricing on African Hunting Safaris

    I've seen several interesting comments (and threads) on Internet forums referring to Outfitter Pricing... "Package hunt or all carte?... "You pay what you get for...", "You do not get what you pay for...", "Cheaper hunts do not necessarily equals an inferior experience..." And several more...
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    African Hunting Events and African Hunting Expo - Calgary Canada

    Was wondering how many of our Canadian members (if any) plan on being at these two events this coming January and if we should maybe arrange a get together? African Hunting Events runs from 23rd thru 25th of January at Carriage House Inn 9030 McLeod Trail And African Hunting Expo is held on...
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    Chris Troskie Safaris 2014 Hunt Pics

    With our last hunt of the season completed I thought I'd share some pictures of animals harvested this season: Pictures posted in no particular order... Jytte from Denmark is an accomplished hunter who has hunted Africa several times and bagged several species including Elephant and Buffalo...
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    The Band and the Mongoose

    I posted this article on another forum earlier this year so for those who read the "other" forum and those from AH who visited us this year and heard the story first-hand my apologies for the duplication... She named him "Conan"… Now how on Earth a baby Mongoose reminded her of Conan the...
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    Hunt Prices

    I have seen several threads on various hunting forums over the last few weeks that sparked my interest... Some of these threads related to so-called "rising prices" and others to "pay per inch" pricing... There seems to be a perception that Outfitters are doing business for two reasons...
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    Need a little help with my website

    Hello AH friends, It appears there is a problem with my website which is preventing some users from accessing my website. I am trying to determine the source of the problem and have it fixed and for this I need your help. Please see if you get access to my website and if you don't, please...
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    Kudu Bow Hunt

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    Christmas in May!

    Now this has little to do with African hunting but it has to do with the compassion and generosity of an individual who is a member here and who will hopefully by this time next year be an African Hunter... Jerome, forgive me if this post is inappropriate in this forum but as I'm writing this...
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    The Right Elephant

    The RIGHT Elephant This is an updated (original) version of an article of mine that was published in the January 2013 edition of Man Magnum Magazine. I was excited when my friend (and client whom we'll call "Joe") from Germany called me up and booked a short notice Elephant hunt with me. Joe...
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    There are hunting forums... and then there is!!!

    I've been reading / participating in various hunting-related internet forums over the years and share some of Peleton's views recently posted on another thread... Thankfully; has become a haven for those who are more than "armchair experts", trolls, a-holes etc, etc... Over...
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    Fire at Sabrisa Ranch - Important news to CT Safaris Clients and AH Members in general

    Folks, A fire gutted a large part of our house and one vehicle day before yesterday and my laptop + external hard drive was destroyed in the process. At this point it seems that I have lost all electronic communications save for the emails that is still on my server and which I hope to get...
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    September 2012 Newsletter - CT Safaris

    Folks, Our latest newsletter is now available on our website. Please check out: Sept 2012 Newsletter for more info. Good Hunting!
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    Wanted to share this picture of an elephant we got next to Kruger National Park a week ago... Client used my Ruger .375H&H for the first two shots - neither of which going where they were supposed to go and we ended up tracking the bull the rest of the day and most of the next day. Finally got...
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    Interesting Trailcam Pics

    Got a nice surprise when I checked my Hyena bait yesterday morning... This fella has been coming in every night for the last month or more. And night before last another unexpected visitor came by: Can a Hyena change its "spots"? Cheers,
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    Double Birthday Present... and a great Vaal Rhebuck!

    Two days ago I was getting ready to celebrate my Birthday by chasing Cape Kudu here in the Eastern Cape with Derek (Diamondhitch here on the forum)... My wife was up early too and presented me with her gift to me... I was quite surprised when I saw the contents - a full box of .458 LOTT rounds...
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    Heia Safari! Good Luck to fellow PH's, Outfitters and Clients alike!

    Well, it's that time of the year again... After a good start to the year and a couple of early season hunts during which we've already bagged some neat trophies, we're packed and ready for the official hunting season... We will be heading down to the Eastern Cape in an hour's time for the...
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    Chris Troskie Safaris Promo Video

    Please let me have opinions...
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    The Importance of Good References in the Safari Business

    Shortly after I took the "bold leap into the unknown" and started my safari company - now almost 10 years ago - I was introduced to a successful Outfitter (since passed) from my region who, when he heard about my endeavour, asked me an interesting question: "What is the state of your...
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    His first Hunt

    His First Hunt A few years ago one night next to the campfire an idea was born to start offering Aï½­frican Summer Camps for children from abroad and we set the wheels in motion to present our first Adventure Trip to a group of Spanish school children. The itinerary/ curriculum for the...
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    Safari Photos Elephants Opinions

    Hi all, Something that I noticed when looking at B&W photos taken of some of the legends in the safari industry was the different poses that were used - especially those with the hunters sitting on top of their elephants... I know that some find these poses disrespectful towards the animals...
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    Better than sitting in an Office?

    Some of you might have noticed my tag line… “Better than sitting in an Office!” Well, over and above the obvious (I mean hunting is better than sitting in the office isn’t it) there are other reasons for using this line… Before making a career out of hunting I worked for a “boss” and spent...
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    What do you get for under $400p/d?

    At the end of last year a friend of mine went on a 10 day bear hunt in Alaska at a Daily Rate of $1,000 per day... When he booked his hunt his requirements /requests were quite clear... He wanted to hunt his bear while it was busy fishing for Salmon in one of the rivers... For this reason he...
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    Hunt Auction from Chris Troskie Safaris for 2010 or 2011

    Bid on this HUNT AUCTION to win an amazing 7 DAY SAFARI, including KUDU, BUSHBUCK and WARTHOG, worth US$ 5,772 from Chris Troskie Safaris in the Waterberg Mountains of Limpopo Province in South Africa for 2010 or 2011 THIS AUCTION IS SPECIAL BECAUSE 100% OF THE PROCEEDS WILL BE DONATED TO THE...
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    A belated hello from Africa

    Hi all, I heard of AH just over a year ago after getting an email invitation to join. As you would note from the number of posts I've made since Nov 2008 I have not been very active on this forum but what a surprise I got when I visited this site a month or two ago and saw how it has grown...