Recent content by WilhelmM

  1. WilhelmM

    Fear Mongering on AH about trophy import bans

    Thats great, but why not everybody else? I'm unsure if I'll get any honest response.
  2. WilhelmM

    With the trophy ban heading into place in they are starting in the USA

    Honestly I'd like to know why the discussion got heated in the first place.
  3. WilhelmM

    Fear Mongering on AH about trophy import bans

    Okay... and? You should not be seeing the trophy as the be-all-end-all. The experience should be the priority but unfortunately people focus on materialistic possessions. There are so many examples of replicas looking exactly like the animal hunted yet that's apparently not good enough. There's...
  4. WilhelmM

    Fear Mongering on AH about trophy import bans

    FFS, if hunters won't go to Africa because they can't get their worthless trophy back home then it's on them. I'm not not going to be sympathetic towards them because it's plain fucking stupid.
  5. WilhelmM

    Fear Mongering on AH about trophy import bans

    I think we're all concerned here on AH. And I think I'm done explaining my opinion for now. People seem to like taking things out of context and simply won't budge even if you explain yourself over and over. Really a pity how human nature overtakes reason. I'm not downplaying any of the...
  6. WilhelmM

    With the trophy ban heading into place in they are starting in the USA

    These game farms already existed before hunting tourism became popular here in the 90s. They just weren't as plentiful and the government didn't care how many animals you killed. If it didn't help build the military they weren't interested in setting standards. Just because you guys didn't see...
  7. WilhelmM

    With the trophy ban heading into place in they are starting in the USA

    No, I was referring to MOST South African males, not just the whites. Most townships are on the edge of agricultural land and the teenagers like to hunt guineafowl with dogs. I know because I've actually been there and seen it. Viewing our country with your view of the states isn't accurate...
  8. WilhelmM

    With the trophy ban heading into place in they are starting in the USA

    I don't have to prove you shit. You're not a big deal and neither am I. Your BS "eXpErIeNcE" argument is regurgitated over and over when no one really cares, it's just you. This reminds me of when you were up @gizmo 's ass because he said something about fenced hunting which you didn't agree...
  9. WilhelmM

    With the trophy ban heading into place in they are starting in the USA

    Why make posts about varminting and bird hunting? You could have considered the fact that I've been shooting since then... Pulling at straws. Baseless opinion sprinkled with disrespect and pettiness. You do it to nearly everyone on here for no reason. It's not really propaganda if it's based on...
  10. WilhelmM

    With the trophy ban heading into place in they are starting in the USA

    @Red Leg , South Africa's hunting industry, in particular, is much bigger than people make out. I've said this before, nearly every South African male has had some experience with hunting either directly or through someone else. It will eventually become part of the collective psyche. Regardless...
  11. WilhelmM

    With the trophy ban heading into place in they are starting in the USA

    I think we're all aware of the British tabloids and what they think of us. That doesn't they'll singlehandedly push the bill to pass. The bill would be suicide for the UK's relations with SADC countries. Celebrities haven't been taken seriously since the start of the pandemic. I'm not denying...
  12. WilhelmM

    With the trophy ban heading into place in they are starting in the USA

    I'm aware, though I should have been clearer in my post. It was more of a general question.
  13. WilhelmM

    With the trophy ban heading into place in they are starting in the USA

    That doesn't have anything to do with my question. My question was if nothing has actually happened and we can't say for certain what the results will be then why come to bold conclusions? Do you guys actually enjoy getting angry or worried? It's strange. I mean that genuinely as I see it so...
  14. WilhelmM

    With the trophy ban heading into place in they are starting in the USA

    And look at the amount of shit Boris is in at the moment.
  15. WilhelmM

    Fear Mongering on AH about trophy import bans

    I'm referring of course to the many posts that have been made about trophy import bans over the last few years. Guys, I get it. You are concerned about the future of hunting as an industry and seeing clickbait headlines from the Daily Mail and Wall Street Journal can be upsetting. Remember that...