Tundra Tiger's latest activity

  • Tundra Tiger
    Tundra Tiger reacted to WAB's post in the thread Politics with Like Like.
    With strength when it was needed. - standing against Russia’s initial invasion of Ukraine in Crimea, thanks Obama, - making strong...
  • Tundra Tiger
    Tundra Tiger replied to the thread Hats on safari.
    Good Max!!! Love seeing the updates on FB with you and the family!
  • Tundra Tiger
    Tundra Tiger reacted to maxtheflyinghorse's post in the thread Hats on safari with Like Like.
    Hello Terry mate how you been ?
  • Tundra Tiger
    Tundra Tiger reacted to Red Leg's post in the thread Politics with Like Like.
    Not to mention what they have done to themselves. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Robert Conquest first reported that the...
  • Tundra Tiger
    Tundra Tiger reacted to WAB's post in the thread Politics with Like Like.
    A close friend survived the holocaust, escaping Tarnow and hiding in the family factory, thus avoiding Auschwitz. As we have talked, it...
  • Tundra Tiger
    Tundra Tiger reacted to Saul's post in the thread Politics with Like Like.
    Antisemitism is nothing new, but many people, myself included, were surprised by just how virulent and pervasive it had become in...
  • Tundra Tiger
    Tundra Tiger reacted to 375 Ruger Fan's post in the thread Politics with Love Love.
    Strieff, in my opinion, is very generous to assume Jake Sullivan is working on his senior class project. Sullivan is junior varsity at...
  • Tundra Tiger
    Tundra Tiger reacted to Scott CWO's post in the thread Politics with Like Like.
    All three of my former SF guys that served under Kelly in Afghanistan say the same thing. One was a SM and was Kelly’s right hand man...
  • Tundra Tiger
    The bottom line is it’s your hunt and your memories not anyone else’s. If you want to do taxidermy on a Cow then have it mounted with...
  • Tundra Tiger
    Tundra Tiger reacted to mdwest's post in the thread Politics with Haha Haha.
    Cow farts :D
  • Tundra Tiger
    Tundra Tiger reacted to WAB's post in the thread Politics with Like Like.
    I have to agree with @Redleg. I have seen many emotional posts regarding Trump, almost exclusively by those who support Trump, taking...
  • Tundra Tiger
    Tundra Tiger reacted to Saul's post in the thread Politics with Like Like.
    I think his children were enriched by his presidency, though I am unsure exactly how you would define “on the backs of taxpayers.”
  • Tundra Tiger
    Tundra Tiger reacted to Red Leg's post in the thread Politics with Like Like.
    I truly believe it is impossible for him to seperate national interests from his personal grievances. For instance, I am absolutely...
  • Tundra Tiger
    Tundra Tiger reacted to Red Leg's post in the thread Politics with Like Like.
    I am confident that on this site Trump would win handily. You may even be right with respect who would do the least harm to our sport...
  • Tundra Tiger
    Tundra Tiger reacted to Saul's post in the thread Politics with Like Like.
    Even if I supported everything Trump says he will do, I still would not support him because I could not trust him to not change his mind...