Saul's latest activity

  • Saul
    There’s a few up on holts at the moment one 30/30 and even a 22lr…...
  • Saul
    Saul reacted to freefall's post in the thread Politics with Like Like.
    As Golda Meir said about 50 years ago, "This war will not end until Palestinians love their children more than they hate us".
  • Saul
    Saul reacted to mdwest's post in the thread Politics with Like Like. Best footage Ive seen so far on...
  • Saul
    Saul reacted to WAB's post in the thread Politics with Like Like.
    A close friend survived the holocaust, escaping Tarnow and hiding in the family factory, thus avoiding Auschwitz. As we have talked, it...
  • Saul
    Saul reacted to michael458's post in the thread Macular Degeneration with Like Like.
    Find a Retina Doctor and go as quick as you can get an appointment and start injections. Yes, sorry, there is no other way. I suffer...
  • Saul
    Saul replied to the thread Politics.
    Antisemitism is nothing new, but many people, myself included, were surprised by just how virulent and pervasive it had become in...
  • Saul
    Saul reacted to Foxi's post in the thread Politics with Like Like.
    despite all the terrible grief that the people of GAZA are also suffering. In 2006, Hamas was elected to parliament by a majority, and...
  • Saul
    Saul reacted to Tanks's post in the thread Politics with Like Like.
    The Venn diagram of extreme left and the extreme right seems to be anti-Semitism.
  • Saul
    Saul reacted to WAB's post in the thread Macular Degeneration with Like Like.
    I assume you are right eye dominant. If so, in a perverse way, the degeneration of your left eye is already accomplishing something...
  • Saul
    Saul reacted to WAB's post in the thread Politics with Like Like.
    It’s unbelievable. Some actually seem to blame Israel for the conflict. Israel has the right to do whatever is necessary to get their...
  • Saul
    Saul replied to the thread Politics.
    You almost have to marvel at the audacity of the media trying to demonize Israel for rescuing the hostages.
  • Saul
    Saul replied to the thread Macular Degeneration.
    I am sorry my friend. I will ask around.
  • Saul
    Saul reacted to Pheroze's post in the thread City Life with Like Like.
    New York or Toronto or Addis Ababa, the city is the place of commerce and exchange. Where ideas grow through the interaction of a...
  • Saul
    Here is the RCBS Brevex .... note the 45 degree slant at the bottom front of the triggerguard. A typical feature of a Brevex magnum rifle.
  • Saul
    I like to upland bird hunt pheasant hunt and waterfowl. For years I have shot foxes with either m/f or ic/m barrels depending on what...