Recent content by bones

  1. B

    SOUTH AFRICA: Has Anyone Hunted With Boschnel Safaris?

    Hi I can vouch for them. Solid outfitter.
  2. B

    Eland Cartridges for recoil sensitive shooter?

    Lots of good suggestions. My 2c There is a huge difference between a cow weighing 200kg dressed and a bull 500kg dressed. There are little more fulfilling hunts than shooting the big blue bulls on foot. It is not easy and usually requires a lot of stalking, and is not a given on a 5day hunt...
  3. B

    Hatari! 60th anniversary; help needed for food ideas

    Wow wow wow! That is super special! The stories those beauties could tell...
  4. B

    Cross wildebeest off the list?

    We are fortunate to have hunted many of them. A good friend always say shoot the wildebeest low and in front. Rule number one, low and rather on than behind the front leg. The spine of the blue wildebeest is just above the middle of the wildebeest on the front leg line. Any shots that would be...
  5. B

    .264 WM

    I use 140gr Nosler Acubond at 2950 in my 264. It is an old sako. Awesome rifle and have shot everything up to wildebeest with it.
  6. B

    Hatari! 60th anniversary; help needed for food ideas

    Most of the movie was shot on my grandad's land. He was Willie de Beer. Sadly I just knew him only as a young boy. In the house, I can tell you in, Afrikaans, those were 'vleis, rys en aartappels' days. That is meat, rice and potatos. Something like leg of lamb, rice and baked potatoes, but on...
  7. B

    Best braid to leader knot...

    For heavier leader fg for sure way to go. Lighter line any of the avove will work well. The most important thing is to get the braid to 'cut' into mono. Thus it needs to be pulled hard and in doing so easily cut your hands. I saw a nice trick where a guide uses the plastic from a bicycle handle...
  8. B

    Hi from Bush Africa Safaris South Africa!

    I have hunted a few times at Schalk's farm, and can recommend him for anything from plains game to dangerous game!
  9. B

    Cancer diagnosis for christmas

    You are in our prayers and thoughts.
  10. B

    404 Jeffery loads

    I shoot my 404 2150. It groups well and I have never had any issues with penetration. In my opinion it is not necessary to chase speed in a 404.
  11. B

    My 404 Jeffery

    Good looking pipe!
  12. Rifle


  13. Gemsbok Hunting

    Gemsbok Hunting
