ZIMBABWE Hunting Information


AH ambassador
Oct 1, 2007
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ZIMBABWE Hunting Information


Hunting Zimbabwe

This country, formerly known as Rhodesia, was once one of the most prosperous countries in Africa while under rule of the British Empire. After gaining its independence and, even more so under the rule of Robert Mugabe, this prosperity has come to an abrupt end.


Zimbabwe, as is the case for other countries in Africa, has no access to the sea. Zimbabwe is bordered to the east by Mozambique, to the south by the Republic of South Africa, to the west by Botswana, and to the north by Zambia.

Zimbabwe is home to an Elephant population estimated at 100,000 animals, with a threshold at 50,000, mostly in the Zambezi Valley. Hunting of Elephants is allowed.

Lion and Leopard hunting are also allowed. Lions and Leopards are hunted exclusively with bait and can be found in almost all areas. Zimbabwean Leopards are well known for their size. It is worth mentioning that among the cats, Cheetah hunting is also permitted.

There are also large herds of Buffalo (Syncerus Caffer Caffer) in Zimbabwe and so this country offers the possibility to hunt four of the renowned "Big Five"...

Zimbabwe is also home to a large variety of antelope as well, among these, a strong population of Sable (Hippotragus Niger), additionally one can also hunt in Zimbabwe Roan Antelope (Hippotragus Equinus), Cape Eland (Taurotragus Oryx), Forest Nyala (Tragelaphus Angasii), Blue Wildebeest (Connochaetes Taurinus), Tsessebe (Damaliscus Lunatus), Common Waterbuck (Kobus Ellipsiprymnus), Impala (Aepyceros Melampus), Burchell's Zebra (Equus Burchelli), Reedbuck (Redunca Redunca), Bushbuck (Tragelaphus Scriptus), Bushpig (Potamochoerus Porcus), Warthog (Phacochoerus Aethiopicus), Common Duiker (Sylvicapra Grimmia), Steenbok (Raphiceros Campestri), Klipspringer (Oreotragus Oreotragus) Hippos and Crocodiles are abundant in most of the rivers and can also be hunted.

The vegetation of Zimbabwe consists mostly of mopane (Colophospermum mopane) forests, one of the more common trees of southern Africa and dry and grassy savanna broken up by areas of dense forest.

The hunting areas are spread out over a large part of Zimbabwe. Hunting is permitted in three different types of areas: governmental hunting areas, tribal hunting areas and private hunting areas. Each one of these hunting areas has their own hunting rules. Governmental areas and the private territories are huge; they can reach hundreds of thousands of acres. All these territories are non fenced and open.

In Zimbabwe hunting is done on foot but given the vastness of the hunting areas, it is often necessary to travel by vehicle. The hunting areas are not very rugged and the actual hunting is not especially physically rigorous.

The professional hunters are most often White Zimbabwean, but there are also South-African, white Zambian and occasionally European ones as well.

The accommodations on private hunting areas are usually comfortable lodges. On governmental areas accommodations are usually large and comfortable tent camps, including electricity in most cases.

Depending upon the location of the hunting area, most are accessible by road from the country's capital, Harare, or from a secondary city, like Victoria Falls. The roads are good and drive time averages 3 to 6 hours. But since many hunting areas have their own airstrip, transfer by chartered plane will often be possible.

Important Traveler's Warning for Zimbabwe
Americans who intend to travel to Zimbabwe, read this important traveler's warning first about U.S. economic sanctions imposed against Zimbabwe by clicking here.

Finding a Hunting Outfitter in Zimbabwe

The single most important thing you need to do to ensure that you are booking with a good hunting outfitter is check their references. The outfitter should provide you with more than a few references, especially clients who have hunted with them within the last year and you should call many of them.

Click here to check out our Zimbabwe Hunting Reports, a section where you can find or post more detailed Hunting Reports. Or visit our forums where you can interact with other hunters and industry professionals, post questions or read what others are discussing about hunting in Zimbabwe by clicking here.

We are all empowered by learning from each other and we encourage you to make educated decisions based upon honest information and real experience.

Zimbabwe Hunting Areas Map and Satellite Imagery
Click here for Zimbabwe hunting areas map, country and satellite imagery maps.

Climate in Zimbabwe
Summer runs from November to April and has hot, sunny days with daytime temperatures around 86D F (30D C) in the main centres and hotter in the low-lying areas such as the Zambezi Valley, Kariba and Victoria Falls. Summer coincides with the rainy season when afternoon thunderstorms are possible, although the Eastern Highlands experience rain throughout most of the year. Winter days are warm and dry (68D F / 20D C), with a vast drop in temperature at night, and runs from June to August. Winter is the most pleasant time to travel, and is best for game viewing and white water rafting; however this is also peak tourist season and is the busiest time of year.

Altitude and relief greatly affect both temperature and rainfall in Zimbabwe. The higher areas in the east and the highveld receive more rainfall and are cooler than the lower areas. Temperatures on the highveld vary from 12 - 13D C (54 - 55D F) in winter to 24 DC (75D F) in summer. On the lowveld the temperatures are usually 6D C (11D F) higher, and summer temperatures in the Zambezi and Limpopo valleys average between 32D and 38D C (90 - 100DF). Rainfall decreases from east to west. The eastern mountains receive more than 100 cm (40 in) annually, while Harare has 81 cm (32 in) and Bulawayo 61 cm (24 in). The south and southwest receive little rainfall. Seasonal shortages of water are common.

The summer rainy season lasts from November to March. It is followed by a transitional season, during which both rainfall and temperatures decrease. The cool, dry season follows, lasting from mid-May to mid-August. Finally, there is the warm, dry season, which lasts until the onset of the rains.

Weather Underground provides a very detailed look at current weather conditions, weather forecasts, a history and almanac for predicting average weather conditions during the time while you will be traveling in that part of the world. Click here for Zimbabwe's climate and temperature forecast.

Zimbabwe Hunting Season & When Hunting is Allowed
- Hunting Season - January 1st to December 31st (all year round)
- Trophy hunting is allowed throughout the year however due to the rains, most hunting is conducted between April and October, with June, July and August being the most popular months for hunting safaris.
- There is no regulation controlling the number of days of a hunting safaris, if a minimum, it is set it is by the safari operator.

Zimbabwe defines three categories of land where hunting is permitted; National Parks Safari Areas, Communal (tribal) Land and Alienated (private) Land. Each have their own regulations as to when hunting is allowed.

National Parks Safari Areas
National Parks Safari Areas are land in more remote marginal areas, unsuitable for agriculture but ideal for game and hunting operations on a sustainable off-take basis.
- Trophy hunting may take place from half an hour before sunrise until half an hour after sunset during the hunting season.
- Hunting is not allowed at night and no hunting is allowed with artificial light.
- No Planes, electronic calls, night vision scopes, spotlights, etc are allowed to be used to assist in hunting.
- Hunting from a vehicle is not permitted, though the vehicle can be used to reach the area from where hunting on foot can begin.
- Shooting an animal from a vehicle is not permitted, a person actually needs to be 55 yards (50 meters) away from a vehicle to shoot an animal.
- No animal may be chased or driven by a vehicle.
- Hunting is not permitted within 440 yards (400 meters) of any designated water place.
- Hunting with dog(s) is not permitted.
- Handguns are allowed as a back up but not for the actual hunt.
- Bowhunting is not permitted.

Communal (tribal) Land
Communal (tribal) Lands are traditionally held by indigenous people. Government grants authority to local District Councils to assume responsibility for the management and utilization of the wildlife. With assistance from National Parks the council decides on a sustainable annual quota of animals to be hunted and offers them to safari (hunting) operators on a tender basis. The funds thus generated go to benefit local development, such as building bridges and schools and installing grinding mills, and also to compensate local families whose crop production has been reduced by marauding wildlife. This scheme is known as CAMPFIRE (Communal Areas management Plan For Indigenous Resources).
- Within the parameters of various wildlife protection laws, the safari operator set the standard of what he considers ethical.
- On hunting designated Communal (tribal) Land, trophy hunting may take place within the hours of daylight during the hunting season.
- Hunting is allowed at night for nocturnal species such as Lion, Leopard, Bushpig, etc. and the use of artificial light and night vision scopes is permitted.
- Hunting with a handgun is permitted.
- Bowhunting is permitted.

Alienated (private) Land
Alienated (private) Lands are held by individuals. Game hunting quotas are based upon what the landowner deems appropriate and subject to the approval of the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (ZPWMA).
- Within the parameters of various wildlife protection laws, the landowner set the standard of what he considers ethical. The safari operator may also apply his own standard in addition to the landowner, if not the same person.
- Methods of hunting, such as bowhunting, handgun hunting, hunting with dogs for cats (a special hunting permit using dogs is required US$ 500), hunting at night with artificial light are all permitted and at the discretion of the landowner.

You will find information about the bird hunting season in Zimbabwe near the bottom of this page.

Species to Hunt in Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe offers a good selection of species for trophy hunting, including Elephant, Buffalo, Lion, Leopard and a multitude of plains game species.

Click here to visit AfricaHunting.com complete list of species available to hunt in Zimbabwe.

Shot Placement Guide for the Perfect Shot
Click here to visit our shot placement guide, the most comprehensive shot placement guide of African game online.

Bowhunting in Zimbabwe
Bowhunting plains game in Zimbabwe started in 1989 when the government began allowing bowhunting under special exception of the law. In 1999 the government of Zimbabwe officially opened bowhunting under new legislation.

Bowhunting in Zimbabwe may only take place on Alienated (private) Land or Communal (tribal) Land. Bowhunting is illegal in Zimbabwe on National Parks Safari Areas.

Bowhunting Class A Game (Elephant, Buffalo and Hippo) is not permitted in Zimbabwe unless a special bowhunting permit for those species has been granted by the general director of the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (ZPWMA) for which the safari operator must apply for well prior to the start of the bow hunt.

General plains game bowhunting in the country at present leaves somewhat to be desired. There are a few isolated locations that are still acceptable but not the quality that there used to be.

Zimbabwe offers a few isolated plains game areas that are still relatively good for bowhunting but not the quality that there used to be. The country however has great dangerous game hunting safaris by bow, however few operators have the experience to conduct bowhunting safaris, so careful selection of the hunting outfitter is very important.

Zimbabwe does not have an additional bow qualification for professional hunters, however a professional guide or professional hunter licensed and registered with the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (ZPWMA) is required to be present during the hunt to guide and protect the hunting client.

For bowhunting in Zimbabwe, I recommend the later part of the season as it is more suited to bowhunting because it is drier May through the end of September in most parts of the country.

Importation of Bows & Arrows into Zimbabwe
It is legal for hunters to import bows for bowhunting purposes into Zimbabwe and just as with a rifle, a special hunting permit is required at a cost of US$ 1,500.

Minimum Equipment Requirements for Bowhunting in Zimbabwe
- Class A Game
Bow Kinetic Energy 80 ft/lbs
Arrow Weight 700 grain
(Elephant, Hippo, Buffalo)
- Class B Game
Bow Kinetic Energy 77 ft/lbs
Arrow Weight 695 grain
Broadheads with only two cutting edges
(Lion, Giraffe, Eland)
- Class C Game
Bow Kinetic Energy 70 ft/lbs
Arrow Weight 618 grain
(Leopard, Crocodile, Kudu, Oryx / Gemsbok, Hartebeest, Wildebeest, Zebra, Nyala, Sable Antelope, Waterbuck, Tsessebe, etc.)
- Class D Game
Bow Kinetic Energy 56 ft/lbs
Arrow Weight 463 grain
(Warthog, Impala, Reedbuck, Sitatunga, Duiker, Steenbok, Jackal, Game Birds, etc.)

Bowhunting in Zimbabwe may only be done with compound bows. Bowhunting with recurve bows, longbows or crossbows is not permitted in Zimbabwe unless a special permit has been issued for which the safari operator must apply for six months prior to the start of the bow hunt. This special bowhunting permit comes at a substantial cost.

Minimum Equipment Requirements for Rifle Hunting in Zimbabwe
- Class A Game
5300 Joule
Minimum caliber 9.2mm in diameter
(Elephant, Hippo, Buffalo)
- Class B Game
4300 Joule
Minimum caliber 7.0mm in diameter
(Lion, Giraffe, Eland)
- Class C Game
3000 Joule
Minimum caliber 7.0mm in diameter
(Leopard, Crocodile, Kudu, Oryx / Gemsbok, Hartebeest, Wildebeest, Zebra, Nyala, Sable Antelope, Waterbuck, Tsessebe, etc.)
- Class D Game
850 Joule
Minimum caliber 5.56mm in diameter
(Warthog, Impala, Reedbuck, Sitatunga, Duiker, Steenbok, Jackal, Game Birds, etc.)

- Black Powder Rifles
Minimum caliber .40

Traveling with Firearms & Ammunition
Traveling to Africa usually requires taking at least a couple of different airlines as well as departing from several countries whose laws and regulations are constantly changing. And they all have their own rules, regulations and laws for which it is your responsibility to be aware and in compliance with all of them. For this reason you should read the Africa Hunting article on Laws & Regulations for Hunters Traveling with Weapons by clicking here.

Permits & Importation of Firearms & Ammunition into Zimbabwe
The following section contains the basic information you will need to know, for more detailed information you should read Africa Hunting article on Importation or Transiting Procedures Through Countries with Weapons by clicking here, especially if you are transiting through or traveling to another country.

- Temporary importation of firearms and ammunition into Zimbabwe is free of charge and the process is quick and easy. Should you be traveling with bows and arrows to and/or through Zimbabwe, there is no required permit or charges.

- Hunters entering Zimbabwe with firearm(s) and ammunition must complete in duplicate a Certificate To Possess Firearms Form F.R. 20 for all firearm(s) and/or ammunition in their possession. Click here to print a copy of this form, we would strongly recommend that you fill out the form in duplicate beforehand, leaving them unsigned and carry it with you to Zimbabwe, along with a third copy for yourself. Your hunting outfitter does not need to receive a copy of this form.

- This application form F.R. 20 must be submitted upon entry while declaring your firearm(s) and ammunition at the customs hall of the airport, where your temporary import/export permit will be issued.

- A maximum of one hundred (100) rounds of ammunition may be imported per hunting rifle, however you may encounter greater restrictions from the airline(s) you are traveling on or country you are departing from or other countries you may be visiting or transiting through. For more information on this topic, read the Africa Hunting article, Laws & Regulations for Hunters Traveling with Weapons by clicking here.

- Only ammunition for the specific caliber(s) you are bringing may be imported.

- Importation of over three hundred (300) rounds of ammunition will require a special permit to be obtained by the safari operator well prior to the start of the hunting safari.

- There is no limit to the number of firearms that may be imported into Zimbabwe for trophy hunting purposes, however if traveling through South Africa a maximum of two firearms are allowed even if you are just in transit. Some European countries also have greater limitation than Zimbabwe as to the number of firearms which can be brought into their country even while in transit. You should read the Africa Hunting article on Importation or Transiting Procedures Through Countries with Weapons by clicking here.

- Black powder rifles are allowed with a minimum caliber .40 for hunting purposes, however it is illegal to transport on commercial airlines black powder and percussion caps. Contact your safari hunting operator to organize for it well prior to your hunt as it may need to be special ordered.

- Handguns are allowed for hunting purposes in some Communal (tribal) Land and Alienated (private) Land but not permitted in National Parks Safari Areas. A special hunting permit which the safari operator must apply for a couple of months prior to the start of the hunt can be requested with the general director of the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (ZPWMA). This special handgun permit comes at a cost, US$ 1,500.

- No automatic or semi-automatic firearms are allowed, except a semi-automatic shotgun for bird hunting purposes.

- No weapons which fall under military categories.

- No crossbows, recurve or longbows are allowed. A special permit which the safari operator must apply for six months prior to the start of the bow hunt can be requested. This special bowhunting permit comes at a substantial cost.

Zimbabwe Certificate To Possess Firearms Form F.R. 20

Zimbabwe Professional Hunters & Guides Association (ZPHGA)
Zimbabwe Professional Hunters & Guides Association (ZPHGA) is dedicated to maintain the highest standards of professionalism amongst their members and are committed to the long term management and utilization of wildlife. However it is important to mention that Zimbabwe's hunting outfitters, hunting guides, master hunting guides, bowhunting guides and professional hunters are not required to be members of ZPHGA to conduct hunting safaris. Click here to visit ZPHGA web site for more information regarding basic hunting laws and regulations and more.


Need help traveling to or through South Africa with your guns?
South Africa is the number one hunting destination in Africa and most safari hunters will at least transit through South Africa even if they are not staying in the country to hunt. That's why the services of riflepermits.com are so valuable. They can help you navigate the stressful and cumbersome process of transiting or importing your guns into South Africa making it easy and less time consuming.

riflepermits.com work hand in hand-in-hand with the South African Police Services (SAPS) to provide import/export or in-transit permits for your firearms before you even arrive in South Africa. They will hand deliver your pre-authorized permit to you on arrival and also guide you through the procedure at the SAPS Permit Office making it as hassle free as possible.

They also have rifle storage facilities for those who just want to do a bit of traveling or sight seeing in South Africa as well. They can help make your hunting safari a great experience from start to finish!

For more information visit their website!

Henry Durrheim
- QUICK & EASY arrival with your firearm in South Africa! We'll meet you and escort you through it...

Safaris Operators Association of Zimbabwe (SOAZ)
Safaris Operators Association of Zimbabwe (SOAZ) is an organization with members that range from touring, photographic excursions to hunting safaris operators. Click here to visit SOAZ web site for more information regarding basic hunting laws and regulations and more.

Safari operators in Zimbabwe are required to be registered and licenced by the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority. Ask for your Operator's number when booking your hunt and, if he does not have one, check his bona fides through SOAZ by emailing them at the following: soaz@mweb.co.zw.

Operators must hold a lease or agreement on a suitable concession with an approved quota of animals. They are responsible for the official paperwork and permits connected to the hunt.

Bow and handgun hunting are permitted on an experimental basis, but require special permits. Black powder is legal provided the weapon complies with the requirements of the Third Schedule of the Firearms Act. This also applies to handguns.

Hunting operators are required by law to provide the services of a Zimbabwe Licenced Professional Hunter to accompany foreign hunters in Zimbabwe. Licencing is undertaken by the National Parks & Wildlife Authority. Professional Hunters write a Learner Examination, and are then apprenticed to a fully-licenced Professional Hunter for two years. During this time they must pass a shooting test set by the Zimbabwe Shooting Federation and obtain an Advanced First Aid Certificate.

They then attend a Proficiency Test in the field. Full Licence holders carry a plastic disc issued by the Parks Authority which shows their photograph, ID number and licence number. Learner Licence holders carry a paper licence with their details and a licence number.

Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (ZPWMA)
A hunt must be organized and carried out by a safari operator that is registered and licensed with the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (ZPWMA). Safari operator are obliged by law to employ a licensed professional guide or professional hunter to accompany hunting clients into the bush. To visit Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority web site click here.


In order to avoid fraudulent hunting activities in Zimbabwe, please ensure that the following documentation is provided at the commencement of your hunt.

Overview of Notice (Click on images to enlarge)

Stamped and Completed Hunting Return Form - TR2 (Application for Hunting NP/CITES (Click on images to enlarge)

Completed NP/CITES Form 11 - TR2 (Click on images to enlarge)

Valid Zimbabwean Professional Hunters License (Click on images to enlarge)

Professional guides and professional hunters are required to have a valid license and be registered with the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (ZPWMA). The full license is issued on a plastic identity card which includes the photograph of the holder, license number, date of issue, year for which the license is valid for and a stamped along with a signature from the Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (ZPWMA). Those still in the training process carry paper licenses.

Should you have any enquiries, please contact the following:
Safari Operators Association of Zimbabwe
18 Walter Hill Avenue
Eastlea - Harare - Zimbabwe
Email soaz@mweb.co.zw
Telephone 263 - 4 - 702402
Fax 263 - 4 - 705046

Zimbabwe Ministry of Environment & Tourism (MET)
All operators in Zimbabwe must be registered and licensed with the Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) to be legal. Operators are responsible for obtaining the permits and supplying the necessary services such as camp accommodation, catering, trackers, skinners, vehicles and a Zimbabwe licensed and registered professional guide or professional hunter. To visit Zimbabwe Ministry of Environment and Tourism web site click here.

Zimbabwe Hunting Permits & Licenses
Zimbabwe defines three categories of land where hunting is permitted; National Parks Safari Areas, Communal (tribal) Land and Alienated (private) Land. Hunting in Zimbabwe is on a sustainable use basis with quotas issued annually. Quotas for protected species such as Elephant, Crocodile (ranch Crocodile are exempt), Leopard and Cheetah are granted by CITES annually.

The Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (ZPWMA) allocates quotas by species to each National Parks Safari Areas on an individual basis. Local District Councils allocates their own quotas by species to their Communal (tribal) Land on an individual basis. Landowners allocate their own quotas by species to their Alienated (private) Land on an individual basis.

Your hunting license and permit will be applied for and obtained by your hunting safari operator well prior to your arrival, please check with your safari operator as to the current charges or if the cost of this paperwork is already included in the price of your hunt.

The following is required for trophy hunting in Zimbabwe:
- The government of Zimbabwe strictly controls the minimum fees that a safari operator can charge before trophies can be exported, thus to prevent undervaluing wildlife and limit the amount of money that safari operators can hide to the government.
- A safari operator can set his prices above and beyond the government's set minimum fees.
- Safari operators often sell hunts below the government's set minimum fees for trophies that are not exported.
- There is no limit as to the number of species a hunter may harvest as long as the safari hunting operator has the hunting rights.
- The hunting outfitter may impose their own guidelines as to the minimum number of days required to hunt certain species or combination of species.
- Permits (TR2) must be issued prior to the hunt commencing, the TR2 permit must be completed in full by the safari operator. The TR2 permit is essentially an authority to hunt, a declaration of what was harvested during the hunt, a banking form and an export application permit.
- Signed and stamped TR2 permits are issued by the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (ZPWMA) only.
- Prior to the commencement of the safari, the hunter should look at the TR2 permit to verify that the professional hunter and safari operator listed on the TR2 permit are the ones that he will be hunting with.
- The TR2 permit must be signed by the hunter and professional guide or professional hunter at the end of the hunting safari.
- The hunter should make note of the TR2 permit serial number for future reference with the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (ZPWMA) should a problem occur during the exportation process of the trophies.
- A separate permit must be issued for each individual hunting client.
- A hunt must be organized and carried out by a safari operator that is registered and licensed.
- A licensed and registered professional guide or professional hunter must conduct all hunting.

CITIES Permits & U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

The importation of some individual sport hunted trophies requires a CITES permit (i.e. African Elephant, White Rhinoceros and Leopard to name a few), you will need to submit an application to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service if you are planning to import any of the species on their list. You can download the CITIES permit application forms by clicking here. CITES stands for Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, visit their web site at www.cites.org.


Shipping & Importing Your Hunting Trophies Back
I highly recommend that when it come to the intricacies of importing your hunting trophies do yourself a favor and hire experts to facilitate the process. Allan Zarach from TROPHY SHIPPERS (www.trophyshippers.com) offers an incredible service at a great price.

TROPHY SHIPPERS is a family owned company and have been in business since 1981. They are a customs brokerage and freight forwarding company that is dedicated to helping hunters quickly and efficiently get their hunting trophies home. They know what your hunting trophies mean to you, because they are a family of hunters themselves. If you have trophies that you need brought back to the United States or are planning a trip to Africa to hunt or anywhere in the world, let TROPHY SHIPPERS handle all of the paperwork, clearances, and shipments for you!

They truly provide an invaluable full service for managing an increasingly more detailed and complex process for the importation of your trophies from start to finish. If you would like to contact them, TROPHY SHIPPERS can be reached at Cell/WhatsApp +1 (847) 927-0101 / Office +1 (630) 595-7300, or via their website www.trophyshippers.com, click here.

The Safari Planning Guide
Click here to visit the Africa Hunting Safari Planning Guide, or click the direct links below to visit the individual articles in this section with many useful resources to help you plan and prepare for your African hunting safari:
- Hunting Safari Preparation Timeline
- Safari Planning Resource Guide
- Why You Should Always Use A Hunting Travel Agent!
- Travel, Medical & Evacuation Insurance
- Why You Should Use A Hunting Trophy Shipping & Importation Specialist!
- What You Need to Know About Packing
- Clothing & Footwear List
- Personal Items & Toiletries List
- Hunting Gear List for Rifle Hunters
- Hunting Gear List for Bow Hunters
- Travel Documents & Money
- Tipping Guide

Camouflage clothing is illegal in Zimbabwe and may not be worn for any reason.

How to Get There
A majority of international hunting clients will fly directly from their country of origin into South Africa on a major international airline, many of which offer a route to Johannesburg (Tambo International Airport - JNB). This route then require a short flight to get to Zimbabwe's capital Harare. Direct flights into Harare are available on through London several days a week however it is important to note that firearms and ammunition will be allowed. If you want to take firearms into Zimbabwe and you are flying from an European country, it will be necessary to get 2 sets of tickets issued, one set for Johannesburg and another set for the onward flight to Zimbabwe.

For destinations not servicing Harare directly, Air Zimbabwe runs regular internal flights between the capital Harare and Bulawayo and Victoria Falls.


Travel Agent Specializing in Hunting Clientele
You may wish to consider using a travel agent that specializes in hunting worldwide or in Africa as they may be familiar with these routes and used to working with these airlines. Specialty travel agents can often get better deals than you can find on major websites or through regular travel agents. I highly recommend TRAVEL EXPRESS, hunting travel specialists, they are the company that I personally use. Jennifer Ginn can help you, she is very knowledgeable and a hunter herself. She can assist you with all aspects of your hunting travel planning from airfare, lodging and car rentals to entry visa's, firearm permits, etc... Click here to visit TRAVEL EXPRESS website www.TravelExpressAgency.com.

International Airport in Zimbabwe
- City: Harare - capital of Zimbabwe
Harare International Airport
Airport Code HRE
Located 7 miles (12km) southeast of the city of Harare

Major Airlines Flying into Zimbabwe

Air Zimbabwe

British Airways

South African Airways

Delta Airlines

Lufthansa (Germany)

Travel Information
Click here to view the Africa Hunting travel information section, or the direct links below, with many useful articles and resources to help you plan your travel for your African hunting safari, including:
- Importation or Transiting Procedures Through Countries with Weapons
- Laws & Regulations for Hunters Traveling with Weapons
- Airports & Airlines
- Value Added Tax (VAT) Refunds
- Embassies & Consulates

Information provided by the Safaris Operators Association of Zimbabwe (SOAZ):
Please be advised that upon arrival in Zimbabwe, you will be required to fill out a Currency Declaration Form to state how much currency you are bringing into Zimbabwe. You will be given a copy. Upon departure you will be required to show the copy.
You already do a similar procedure with your weapons coming in and out of the country.
The Currency Declaration is apparently to stop what the authorities believe to be a loophole whereby Operators are trying to get clients to take out money for them. Since in the current economic climate the Operators are seldom in a position to send out large sums of money, this is erroneous, but arguing with authorities is a dead-end.
The best thing is to advise you of what is likely to be asked of you and to re-assure you that you are not about to be arrested or anything else dramatic. You are perfectly safe- just try not to lose your copy of the Declaration Form until you leave the country.

Visa & Travel Documents
All foreigners must be in possession of a passport that will remain valid for at least six months after the intended date of departure from Zimbabwe as well as a round trip airline ticket.

Temporary entry visas for Zimbabwe are required by visitors from almost all countries. As the list changes from time to time, it is important to verify if you need to obtain a visa based upon your country of citizenship. Entry visas must be obtain prior to arrival in the country by visitors from certain countries, for some. The cost of the visa depends upon the nationality of the applicant and whether it is for a single entry or multiple entries. This should be done well in advance as it can take some time to complete the process which may require sending your passport to their Embassy or Consulate. Entry visa rules can change from time to time, it is important to verify the current regulations before obtaining a visa.

To find out if you need to apply for a Visa in advance, a great resource with free information is Travel Document System (TDS) at www.traveldocs.com. If you are in need of a visa, Travel Document System is nationally recognized as a leading authority in the field of international Travel Documents. Travelers are quite often not sure of the specific requirements or documentation required to enter into a foreign country. TDS helps international travelers easily understand what is specifically required of them in order to gain passage into another country and provides visa services for U.S. citizens to most countries for which an entry visa is required www.traveldocs.com.

Traveler's Health & Immunizations
No vaccinations or International Health Certificate are required to enter Zimbabwe, however we suggest that you visit the Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) for their recommendations for travel in Zimbabwe.

CDC recommends that you see a health-care provider who specializes in Travel Medicine. Find a travel medicine clinic near you by clicking here. If you have a medical condition, you should also share your travel plans with any doctors you are currently seeing for other medical reasons.

Recommended Vaccinations Include:
- Hepatitis A
- Hepatitis B
- Typhoid
- Rabies
- Routine vaccination if you are not up-to-date including Influenza, Polio, MMR (measles/mumps/rubella) and DPT (diphtheria/pertussis/tetanus)

Malaria prophylactics medication is highly recommended and should be considered as mandatory, however we suggest that you visit the Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) for their recommendations for travel in Zimbabwe as mosquitoes in this country are resistant to some antimalarial drugs.

The CDC is most credible online resource for up to date health information. Click here to visit the section dedicated to Traveler's Health specific to Zimbabwe. Information about vaccinations, diseases, prevention, tips and much more can be found here.

Malaria Map of Zimbabwe
Click here to enlarge Zimbabwe malaria map.

Malaria Maps of Africa
Click here for Africa malaria maps, distribution model, endemic / epidemic risk areas, duration of malaria transmission season and duration of malaria transmission season.

Emergency Evacuation and Field Rescue Membership

No matter if it's your first or fifth time hunting in Africa, unavoidable accidents do happen. Whether a medical or security emergency, an evacuation from a remote part of Zimbabwe could cost well over $100,000. I strongly recommend that anyone traveling to Zimbabwe purchase a membership with Global Rescue, the only crisis response company that provides hunters with medical and security evacuation and consultation services anywhere in the world, even the most remote areas. Their deployable teams of paramedics and special operations veterans, backed by on-staff physicians and the specialists at Johns Hopkins Medicine, will get to you wherever you are, by any means necessary, and evacuate you all the way to your home country hospital of choice.
Member benefits include:
- 24hr medical advisory services from critical care paramedics and in-house physicians
- Specialists at Johns Hopkins Medicine available in real-time
- Field Rescue from the point of illness or injury
- Evacuation back to the member's home hospital of choice
- Global network of medical Centers Of Excellence
- Deployable medical and security teams
- Evacuation services provided up to $500,000

Memberships start at $119

If you would like to purchase a membership or have additional questions, Global Rescue can be reached anytime at +1 (617) 459-4200, or via www.globalrescue.com, click here.

Travel Advisory from The U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Consular Affairs

What you should know before you go. You may obtain international travel information by country, warnings for travelers about crime and public announcements about travel abroad in addition to so much other valuable information http://travel.state.gov.

Embassies & Consulates
Zimbabwe Embassy in the USA www.zimbabwe-embassy.us

Click here for a complete searchable database of all embassies and consulates from every country in the world including Zimbabwe.

Bird Hunting Season in Zimbabwe
Bird Hunting Season - January 1st to December 31st (all year round) however the better time of the year for a wing shooting experience in combination with your hunting safari would be between May and September. A hunter will need to request from his safari operator a Bird hunting license by species. This Bird hunting license allows you to harvest all of the different huntable species of birds listed. This list is not yet available and quotas per bird species should be discussed with your hunting outfitter.

When it comes to wing shooting, several species of Duck, Geese, Partridge also referred to as Francolin, Guineafowl, Pigeon, Dove and Quail are available for hunting.

Bird hunting fees vary from safari operators and by species.

Click here to visit AfricaHunting.com complete list of bird species available to hunt in Zimbabwe.

Tourism in Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe Official Government Tourism web site is a good place to explore what options are available for travel outside of your hunting safari, www.met.gov.zw. Your hunting safari outfitter may also offer short excursions up to extensive touring through their company as well.

General Information about Zimbabwe
- Republic of Zimbabwe
- Population 11,400,000
- Capital City Harare (1,500,000)
- Languages English (official), Shona, Sindebele and numerous tribal dialects
- Official Currency Zimbabwe Dollar (ZD). Denominations in 50,000, 20,000, 10,000, 5,000, 1,000, 500, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 1, 0.05 and 0.01 TZ bank notes. To view images of these banknotes, click here.
- Electricity, the Zimbabwean standard is 220/240 volts, three-pin 15 amp outlets. Most lodges/camps have generator(s) to power the electricity through rechargeable batteries therefore it is recommended to bring a small power inverter that plugs into a cigarette lighter to invert 12V DC Power to 110V AC for recharging in the hunting vehicle. Generator(s) in most camps are only run during the morning and evening hours and sometimes can be run at other times by special request. Be sure to check with your hunting outfitter in Zimbabwe what they are using. Click here for more info.
- Country Dialing Code 263

Click here for more information about Zimbabwe from the CIA World Factbook which supplies a multitude of facts about Zimbabwe.

Official Government Web Site Of The Republic Of Zimbabwe
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ZIMBABWE Species to Hunt

These species may be available on the hunting license in the country; however they may not be available on quota anywhere in the country. Also individual hunting outfitters may or may not be given any quota or have any remaining licenses left for some species.

Some of these species may not be able to be imported back into your country of residence. You can find information on the importation of sport hunted trophies at the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service at Permits or the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) at http://www.cites.org.

Big Five Species
(click on animal name for detailed info and pictures)
Buffalo Cape

Animal Species
(click on animal name for detailed info and pictures)
African Wild Cat
Bushbuck Chobe
Bushbuck Limpopo

Crocodile Nile
Duiker Blue
Duiker Common
Duiker Natal Red

Eland Livingstone
Genet Cat
Hyena Spotted
Impala Southern/Common
Jackal Black-Backed
Kudu Greater/Southern
Monkey Vervet
Nyala Common
Porcupine Cape
Reedbuck Common
Sable Antelope Common
Waterbuck Common
Wildebeest Blue
Zebra Burchell/Plain

Bird Species
(click on bird name for detailed info and pictures)
Dove African Mourning
Dove Laughing
Dove Namaqua
Dove Redeyed
Dove Ringnecked
Duck Nothern Shoveler
Duck Redbilled
Duck Tufted
Duck Yellowbilled
Duck White Faced Whistling
Francolin Redbilled
Francolin Swainson
Goose Egyptian
Goose Spurwinged
Guineafowl Crested
Guineafowl Helmeted
Pigeon Speckled
Quail Common
Quail Harlequin
Sandgrouse Burchell
Sandgrouse Boublebanded
Sandgrouse Namaqua
Sandgrouse Yellow Throated
Teal Cape
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ZIMBABWE Hunting Areas Map

Located south of the Equator on the southern edge of the tropics, Zimbabwe is in both the eastern and southern hemispheres. This landlocked country is positioned in southern Africa, and bordered by the countries of Botswana, Namibia, Zambia, Mozambique and South Africa.


Satellite Imagery of Zimbabwe
(click on thumbnails to explore satellite imagery)

Latitude/Longitude 17D 50' S, 31D 03' E Harare Capital of Zimbabwe
Google Earth lets you fly anywhere on earth to view map, satellite and hybrid imagery. You can explore rich geographical content by zooming in and out and moving the image by using the arrow buttons in the upper left corner or by clicking on the image and dragging it in the direction you wish to explore. Click here to explore Zimbabwe.

Zimbabwe Hunting Areas

Zimbabwe Major Cities

Detailed Map of Zimbabwe
(click on thumbnail to enlarge map)

Provinces of Zimbabwe
Land divisions 8 provinces and 2 cities with provincial status. Provinces are Manicaland, Mashonaland Central, Mashonaland East, Mashonaland West, Masvingo, Matabeleland North, Matabeleland South and Midlands. Provincial cites are Bulawayo and Harare.

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ZIMBABWE Malaria Map

Gradient Map of Distribution of Endemic Malaria
(click on thumbnails to view larger pictures)

Malaria Maps
Malaria prophylactics medication is recommended for visitors to some parts of Africa, ask your hunting outfitter and we suggest that you visit the Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) for their recommendations for travel to your specific destination as mosquitoes in some African countries are resistant to certain antimalarial drugs.

Distribution Model

Background: This map is a theoretical model based on available long-term climate data. It has a resolution of about 5x5 km. Although it is reasonably accurate, it is not based on actual malaria data and may not reflect the real malaria status. It shows the theoretical suitability of local climatic, and therefore the potential distribution of stable malaria transmission in the average year. Please note that climatic conditions, and therefore malaria transmission, vary substantially from one year to the next. Malaria control activities can also dramatically alter the malaria transmission situation.
Meaning: Where climate is "suitable" (red = 1), malaria is likely endemic (hypo-, meso-, hyper- or holoendemic). "Suitable" areas may have little or no malaria because of malaria control. Where climate is "unsuitable" (white = 0), malaria is likely epidemic or absent. Some "unsuitable" areas may actually have endemic malaria because of the presence of surface water in an area where there is little or no rain. In the marginally suitable areas (0.1 - 0.9) transmission may occur at steady but low levels (eg eastern Africa), or in strongly seasonal cycles with great inter-annual variation (eg western & southern Africa).
Source: MARA/ARMA (Mapping Malaria Risk in Africa / Atlas du Risque de la Malaria en Afrique)

Endemic / Epidemic Risk Areas

Background: The malaria distribution model has been re-classified into endemic and epidemic areas. These risk areas have then been used to calculate the number of people living in endemic and epidemic conditions. In Southern Africa (Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe and South Africa) "endemic" encompasses regions where the climate is 50-100% suitable, whereas in the rest of Africa "endemic" refers to regions where climate is 20-100% suitable. Different cut-offs were used, because in southern Africa malaria is at the limit of its distribution and has been largely reduced through malaria control. Otherwise, all comments on the malaria distribution model apply to this map also.
Meaning: Endemic areas are defined as "areas with significant annual transmission, be it seasonal or perennial". Epidemic areas are defined as "areas prone to distinct inter-annual variation, in some years with no transmission taking place at all". Since this is a theoretical model, areas defined as "endemic" may be "epidemic" in reality, or v.v.
Source: MARA/ARMA (Mapping Malaria Risk in Africa / Atlas du Risque de la Malaria en Afrique)

Duration of Malaria Transmission Season

Background: These maps are also theoretical models based on available long-term climate data. They have a resolution of about 5x5 km. Although they are reasonably accurate, they are not based on actual malaria data and may not reflect the real malaria status. They are based on the theoretical suitability of local climatic, and therefore the potential duration, onset and end of the malaria transmission season, in the average year. Please note that climatic conditions, and therefore malaria transmission, vary substantially from one year to the next. Malaria control activities can also dramatically alter the malaria transmission situation. More work is ongoing to refine these models.
Meaning: In the Months of Risk model, malaria transmission is strongly seasonal to epidemic (yellow = 1-3 months), seasonal and endemic (light green = 4-6 months) or perennial and endemic (dark green = 7-12 months). Some areas shown as "No transmission" (white) may actually have endemic malaria because of the presence of surface water in an area where there is little or no rain.
Source: MARA/ARMA (Mapping Malaria Risk in Africa / Atlas du Risque de la Malaria en Afrique)

Duration of Malaria Transmission Season

Background: Based on the seasonality model, these maps simply reflect the first and last month of the average transmission season. All comments on the seasonality model apply to these maps too.
Meaning: The colors indicate the month in which the transmission season starts and ends, in the average year. In a few areas there are two transmission season, so that there are two start and two end of season maps.
Source: MARA/ARMA (Mapping Malaria Risk in Africa / Atlas du Risque de la Malaria en Afrique)
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Flew from Joburg to Bulawayo on SAA in late May 2015. Nice flight and very nice, modern, clean and efficient airport. What a surprise! Very little car traffic in the Bulawayo area and the roads are decent. Drove ~250 km southeast to the Bubye Valley Conservancy. Lots of animals, hope to go back.
The fact is that the people of Zimbabwe - particularly those who tourists and hunters come in contact with at game lodges and safari hunting camps, are amongst the best educated and cheerful people one could hope to meet anywhere. They have a one party state government in effect a dictatorship in power, but that political reality underlines the tremendously important fact that tourism income remains vital to the individuals and their families to support and educate. One day the politics will change but the happy people of Zimbabwe will still be there to welcome guests!

It is not completely true to say tourists have not been effected at all by strife in Zimbabwe - Australian tourists were abducted and murdered on the main Bulawayo to Victoria Falls road in the mid 1980's during the terrible 5th Brigade genocide of the Ndebele speaking people of the south and west and safari operators like Alan Elliot were assaulted and imprisoned by the Mugabe government's secret service people during the same unhappy period after Mugabe 's initial "honeymoon" period of the first few years following the end of white rule. Bit major conflicts of late have not been a factor in deciding to visit Zimbabwe or not.
As is wise in visiting any country make sure you are in contact with well respected ground operators of which Zimbabwe still has many top rated outfitters and guides in the photographic as well as the sport hunting industry that are critical to the sustainable use of its diverse wildlife resource on both state owned and private land.
I read that camouflage is illegal to be worn in Zimbabwe, however talking with different folks at the SCI Convention, they seemed to tell me it was fine to wear camo. Not sure what to think, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Your confusion is based on location. You do not wear camo in public or while traveling but can wear it at camp and while hunting. I have always worn a khaki shirt while traveling as it can be used for hunting if necessary. Your P.H. will help clear this up for you as well.
Regarding camo clothing in Zimbabwe, I asked one of that countries longest running operators to comment...he states "Strictly speaking it is not legal, but people do go hunting in Zimbabwe in camouflage. If you do make sure it is NOT military camouflage"

The comment not to wear actual military issue camo is to be well respected! Plain Khaki clothing is better - shirts with a darker top panel are fine, long sleeves if you are of a pale complexion prone to sun burn. If hunting in a tsetse fly area then long trousers and long sleeves plus a hat with a David Livingstone type flap down the back are good as Tsetse love to penetrate a sweaty neck just above the collar or behind a sweaty knee!

In addition to being careful not to wear anything in the clothing line that is military issue and therefore falls under Zimbabwean laws around wearing military kit by non- military personel, also do not point your camera at any strategic items such as railway bridges and police stations or military camps or military vehicles. The president of the country is covered by slander laws so political discussions by visitors are best avoided!

Good hunting and guiding can almost be a certainty!
Not to be an instigator here, but i just can't understand the desire of the mass populace to destroy tradition. Casual Fridays became casual workweeks and then everyone's Sunday's best became casual contemporary church dress in jeans and a fleece vest.

The last piece of reverence you would think would be going to the dark continent to arguably the premier nation for the hunt of a lifetime with no fences and fair chase in Zimbabwe. We are trying to be anachronistic in the mode of Frederick Courteney Selous and WDM Bell by the very fact we are going to the dark continent in a repeat performance of a 19th century experience.

So why in the world do people insist on wearing modern camo like duck dynasty hillbillies? The army studied this stuff 50 years ago and found that olive drab (dirtied) was one of the best camouflage ever devised and it is a traditional safari attire. No surprise, the Brits of the 19th century knew exactly what worked best and did so in a civilized fashion.

Poachers, insurrectionists and rebels wear camouflage in the bush. At least Zim had the good sense to outlaw the uncivilized stuff and prevent many a tense situation.

Go with tradition. It works just fine.


Or This:



  • 20080913181955!Selous-Rifle-And-Bustards.jpg
    204.1 KB · Views: 780
  • 131219131551-01-duck-dynasty-story-top.jpg
    111.6 KB · Views: 798
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Zimbabwe is safe country for tourists.
On my last visit there ,I met development aid worker from Mozambik,which spent holidays in Zimb. each year.
They said ,more safe than much areas in RSA.
And Moz.is cruel.
In Zimb.no official will ask you ,when you wear camouflage clothings on your hunt.
I think camou is ugly and not necessary.(exeptional bird hunting).
I prefer clothings in colour of elephants and warthogs in many parts of Africa.
Here an elephant on 50m ,do you see him ?
Elephant colour.JPG
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Just left of center and to the left of the deadfall Tha is leaning at 45 degrees and just above the big deadfall on ground.

It really is amazing how those big suckers blend.

And I hope I'm right. :)
Yea I had to pull the Picture in close to find it
So, I'm just doing a check off list of the forms/papers need to make the trip to Zim go smoother. I've been doing quite a bit of research, so hopefully I've got them all covered.

Prior to leaving US:
* SAPS 520. * CBP Form 4457. *Form F.R. 20
*Letter of Motivation. *Letter of Invitation

After the Hunt:
* Return Form TR2. * NP 11 Form
* PH Valid License copy

And can anyone give me some insight if I should look into doing the Global Rescue Membership?

Please feel free to let me know if I've forgot any necessary documents or have something the isn't necessary.


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John A Flaws wrote on Horbs's profile.
500 schuler magazine.jpg
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cwpayton wrote on Goat416's profile.
Goat416 welcome to the forum ,youve got some great pics and Im sure trophy's
ghay wrote on professor's profile.
Would you consider selling just the Barnes 235's and 250g TTSX's?
Hunt27 wrote on Tra3's profile.
Spain, i booked through a consultant, i book almost everything through him now and he's done me right. his contact 724 986 7206 if interested and he will have more info to share,
I hunted elephant with Luke Samaris in 2005. It was my fourth safari and I tell you he is a fine gentleman the best. I got the opportunity to meet Patty Curtis, although never hunted with him but enjoyed our conversation around our tent in the Selous. Very sad for a tough guy to leave this world the way he did. Let’s pray the murderers are caught. I hope to see Luke in Nashville.