Please critique my packing list


AH veteran
Sep 3, 2015
Reaction score
Hunting reports
This is mainly my stuff, not counting my wife's clothes and personal items. Seems like a lot of stuff to me.


2 Binoculars………………………….Carry-on (for wife and me)
Range finder………………………….Carry-on bag
Cartridge holder……………………Check-in bag or ammo case
Sling……………………………………..Ammo case
Rifle case.……………………………..Gun case
Gun cleaning kit?…………………..Check-in
Silicone cloth…………………………Vest
Bore snakes for .308 and .416…Check-in
2 Headlamps…………………………..Check-in (for wife and me)
Spare scope……………………………Check-in
Scope wrenches, Ruger/Talley…Check-in
Camel back pack…………………….Check-in
Pocket knife…………………………...Check-in
Ammo case…………………………….Check-in
Taxidermy tags………………………Check-in
Cable ties for tags…………………...Check-in
Ear plugs………………………………..Vest
Optics cleaning paper……………..vest


Medicications w. prescriptions..Carry-on
Alarm clock…………………………….Carry on
Nikon D7200 & telephoto lens…Carry-on
Nikon Coolpix S7000……………….Vest
Spare memory cards/batteries…Check-in
Camera battery chargers………….Check-in
Jackery battery charger……………Vest
Spare AA and AAA batteries……..Check-in
Nail clippers, finger and toe……...Check-in
“The Perfect Shot, Africa”…………Vest
2 pair sunglasses……………………...Vest and Check-in
3 pair reading glasses……………….Vest and Check-in
Ziplock bags…………………………….Check-in
Power plug adapters………………..Check-in
Notebook…………………………………Carry on
Africa file…………………………………Carry-on
3 pens……………………………………...Carry-on
Electric shaver…………………………Check-in
Toothbrush, paste……………………Check-in
Insect repellant……………………….Check-in
Sun screen………………..…………….Check-in
Med kit-moleskin, etc…………..….Check-in
Envelopes for tips……………………Check-in


1 pair long pants………..……………..Check-in
Camo pants………………………………Check-in
1 pair shorts…………………………….Check-in
2 long-sleeve shirts…………………...Check-in
1 Camo shirt……………………………..Carry-on
2 short-sleeve shirts………………….Check-in
Underwear, four sets…………………Check-in
Smartwool long underwear?..........Check-in
Blue nylon jacket………......................Check-in
5 pairs socks… ...........…………………Check-in
Pile jacket …………..……………………Check-in
Tilley hat…………………………………..Check-in
Thin gloves……………………………….Carry-on
1 or 2 pairs boots……………………...Carry-on/Check-in
1 pair slip-on camp shoes…………Carry-on
2 pair Gaiters……………………………Check-in
Pile vest……………………………………Check-in


Hard candy………………………………Check-in

Africa file

Original 4457
SAP application
Copies of passport
Reservation numbers
Contact numbers
I think that definitely covers it. I went through and tried to think of anything else. Good luck!
I pack quite a bit lighter than you. However, I don't think you missed anything
Make sure your "bore snakes" will actually pull through. When hunting Mozambique a few years ago it rained on us while we were hiking. Upon getting back to the truck I needed to clean and oil my Rigby. I had a brand new .416 bore snake and I could not pull it through the barrel no matter how hard I tried. Once I got home, I found that a .375 bore snake worked just fine. Also, you won't need any shampoo unless you have something special that you need,
probably be able to drop a few clothing articles if you wear them, remember one post somewhere where they wore their hunting boots on the plane so they didn't have to pack them
Wear your hiking boots, if your luggage is held up at least you can still hunt. If taking a cleaning kit leave the bore snakes at home. The first time I went over I packed like you and found I didn't use a lot of stuff. I now pack a lot less. One thing I would add is a leatherman for pulling thorns out of boots.
Hard to tell without knowing where you are hunting, what you are hunting, and how the PH plans to hunt. I would assume that the PH is going to have binos with a rangefinder, so that might be left at home. There will probably be someone whose job it is to carry/fetch water, so the camelback might be left at home ... send the list to the PH. Not sure you need a snake and a cleaning kit either.

The one concrete suggestion that I would make would be to PLAN on the first day of the hunt to be the coldest day of the hunt and that your checked bag never makes it! That means wear something that you could hunt in if your baggage is lost, move one FULL day of hunting clothes to the carry-on. That means pair of long pants, long sleeve shirt, jacket, smartwool long underwear, underwear, socks, gloves, and hat! I would also move my taxidermy tags and spare memory cards/chargers to the carry-on.
I would recommend a baseball cap to go along with your Tilley hat, in the thick brush a wide brim hat can be more trouble than its worth .
Very complete list Roland. Just a few questions....
Do you really need a need gun cleaning kit if you have silicone cloth, bore snakes and optics cleaning paper?
You might consider packing your binos in checked luggage or gun case just to save weight in carry on and hassle getting through security?
Do you need two pair of boots and gaiters?
Do you need a pile vest in addition to the vest you wear and your pile coat?

Have Fun and looking forward to the hunt report!
The list is about your comfort.
Like others have noted - a little heavy on cleaning gear for my taste.

Throw extra copies of your passport pages into your ammo and rifle case. If the tags are ripped off it is pretty simple to prove they are yours. Also handy to have back up copies.

Make sure your Tilley hat is not so white it spooks game. Kind of defeats the purpose of camo if you walk around with a flag on your head.

ipod and iPad cables ?

Anything to do with technology is in my carryon(s) (Camera bag and soft briefcase).
No power, no cameras, no memory = no pictures

Have fun.
Pack light.
Range finder probably superfluous
PH will have cleaning gear in the event you need it
Wear boots on plane and backup boots in carry on. Broken in boots are the one thing all the money in Africa cannot replace. Be able to live comfortably with what is in your carry on.

Look to see what you can eliminate. Pack light.
US customs agent told me I may have a problem taking my rangefinder in my carry-on as it contains a laser and that is a restricted item. I have flown domestically with it without a problem, never tried it internationally.

Add cash to the list.
Vaccination record?
Not sure what kind of rifle case you have, or how much space, but I cut holes in the foam for my bino's and range finder. The range finder never did leave the case though.
Thanks to everyone for all the suggestions. I've started to consolidate all of our stuff for this summer, but haven't broken it down into individual bags yet.

Here's a couple of items I picked up that might be of use:

-Voltage Adapter (for things that can't handle 220v like electric tooth brushes, some camera battery chargers, etc. You may still need to buy a plug adapter for whichever country you're headed to- I had to get a South African adapter to go along with this)
- USB Charging Station (charge up to 6 USB devices)
-Portable Charger (to keep ipads and ipods charged on long flights)
-SD Card Holder (conveniently stores all my SD and micro SD cards in one place)
-Wireless Hard-drive (this thing is awesome- I can download all my pictures videos via the SD card reader without bringing a big, clunky laptop along)

(You can tell where I do most of my shopping...)
I wouldn't worry about a range finder your PH should have one that he will pack.
Good solid list. Range finder has never left my pocket on a hunt! Like others have said in terms of clothes all you need is what you wear on the flight then one to two changes. I put one change in my pack and one in checked bag! Ask your outfitter to bring rifle bags and then you don't have to. Someone mentioned the adaptor plugs which are a must have. Voltage transformer is also needed.
Thanks for all the feedback. I think I'll leave the rangefinder behind. I don't think I'll need a voltage converter, since all my electronics will handle 110-220 voltage.
I don't think I'll need a voltage converter, since all my electronics will handle 110-220 voltage.

Agree onmost of the other feedback you've gotten and I'm with you on the converter. All my stuff handles 220, even my wife's flat iron thingie....

The only other comments are that you should include your letter of invitation just in case. I havent been asked in two hunting trips, but ya never know. And it od funny, but in three trips to Africa I think I've had a total of one bug bite! Just lucky I guess.....

Now the Mopani flies are a different story....
Hi Jim (RolandtheHeadless),

Carry your original Shot Record in the same place that you carry your Passport.

Do confirm my following ideas with your PH, in time to re-pack if I am wrong about any of these listed below.

South Africa Law requires that foreign hunters carry an official written invitation to hunt, from our PH but, I do not remember if Namibia required this when I went there 10 or 12 years ago, likewise I do not know if any other African countries require this or not (hopefully it's only for South Africa).

Probably won't need your range finder nowadays, because all PH's worth their powder and shot carry excellent ones.

Shouldn't need both a cleaning kit and bore snake.
One or the other will do nicely.
I only bring two "pull-through" type gadgets, each contained in it's own film canister (getting very hard to find now).
One is just a Vaseline saturated cloth patch, tied to a nylon line, with a small enough weight to drop through my rifle bore, tied to the opposite end of said line.
The other pull-through is a dry patch one, otherwise of the exact same design.
I figure if I need to bash some obstruction out of my rifle bore, all PHs have cleaning rods for their own rifle/s in camp.
Also, most PH's have a supply of solvents and oils in camp, left by previous hunters.
Solvents and thin oils are risky to put in your luggage, due to potential leaks at altitude, not to mention the baggage gorillas rough-handling your luggage.

I hesitate to say you won't need a spare scope because, the time you leave it at home is the time you'll undoubtedly need it but, after my first hunt to Africa, I never brought a spare again.
However to clarify this butter, I do practice-up with my iron sights so that I can press on with them, in the unlikely event my scope does fail for any reason and proves me wrong.

Regarding the Camel Back; So far I'm ashamed to admit that I have not had to carry my own water in Africa, except when I did some work there for a month so, a Camel Back likely will be unnecessary weight.

Electricity can be off-and-on in some camps so, perhaps the electric shaver might be unnecessary weight, when compared to a small packet of disposable razors and just use the camp issue soap for shaving lather.

For my military style hairdo, again I just use the camp issue bar soap (generally do so at home here as well LOL).
No doubt your wife will want her specific shampoo (mine always does for some reason) but, liquid shampoo can leak into the luggage.
Therefore, as I mentioned over lunch the other day - I squeeze any air out of liquid containers before putting the lid on tight then, then place same into two or three heavy duty zip lock freezer bags, appropriate to the bottle size.

Same for sun screen.
Same for bug repellant if you must bring it but, it is another item that PH's sometimes have left behind by previous clients (I like the USGI cream type, because it's thick enough that it does not easily seep past the threads when the cap is on tight).

Camo pants - very likely the camo thing is long past but, during some of the bush wars and threats of uprisings, one or more African country declared the wearing of camouflage clothing by foreigners to be unlawful, again hopefully those sad days are gone now.

Clothing in general.
Each of you will only need 3 sets of underwear (3 T-Shirts each and 3 pr underpants each, including the ones worn in-flight)
I wear one of my 3 sets and put my 2nd set in my carry-on, then the 3rd set in my checked bag.
Same thing for socks.
I recommend dull color socks, such as drab green military surplus ones, since our lower limbs are almost constantly moving, that way my ankles don't look like two red, white, blue and orange squirrels, trying to one-up each other, as I sneak toward my intended prey.
Each of you will need only two button-up type shirts (I just bring long sleeve and roll them up as needed).
Laundry is done by camp staff pretty much faster than I can get it dirty, and I'm a human pig.

Instead of 2 pr hunting boots, plus slip-on shoes for camp, I wear my one pair of light weight, non-insulated / non-water proof hunting boots on the flight.
In my checked bag, I bring one pr of dull color "tennis shoes" with aggressive pattern sole as my "camp shoes".
That way if my hunting boots unravel (not likely) for some strange reason, nonetheless I could press on with my hunt in my tennis shoes.
For "gaiters", I presume you are referring to "Tick Gaiters", as perhaps recommended by your PH ?
Otherwise, if they are the North American/European "cross country ski" type, make sure they are dead silent when you walk.
Cabela's and their competitors sell quiet ones.

Regarding the two vests - One vest each should do it, and frankly, I have never needed any vest at all in Africa.

Unless the blue nylon jacket is your rain coat and your pile jacket is your warm coat, you should not need two jackets each.
I recommend you bring one each that is both moderately warm and water proof (not an "Alaska warm" coat though, as that is over-kill).
One of my friends brings a thick polar fleece sweater and very thin "back packer's rain coat" that will almost lend itself to cramming into a small shirt pocket, plus a warm hat and "Thinsulate" brand gloves, for pre-dawn activity.
You will want a warm hat early each morning, for riding in the back of the bush cruiser, before the sun rises above the horizon.
I would add that I bring a needle and thread, as well as a small but powerful magnifying glass and tweezers, in with the mole-skin bandages, etc.

Kind regards,
Paul (Velo Dog).

My apologies to those who have already posted some or all of the same things before or, perhaps one or two during the time I had typed and was posting this rant but, sometimes it's easier to just type each point than it is to search and re-search each point for redundancy.
Besides: "Help, I'm typing and I can't stop" LOL.
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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?