Search results

  1. Mark Bijkerk

    Where to buy Swift A Frame bullets in Europe

    For reloading my .416 rem.mag. I’m looking for the Swift A Frame bullets in 400 grs. I searched several web stores in Europe but I can’t find them. Anyone a good suggestion for this matter?
  2. Mark Bijkerk

    Which solid for Buffalo in 416 rem.mag

    In October we’re leaving hunting Buff in the Selous. I’m loading my 416 rem.mag with the 400 grs. Swift A frame, but I wonder if I need a solid for in thick bush. And if so, what is the best solid in combination with the A frame. Solids are very rare in this caliber in the Netherlands or...
  3. Mark Bijkerk

    Greets from the Netherlands

    Hi All, I was looking for information about a hunting the cape buffalo in Zimbabwe and ‘landed’ on this page. Still looking but I think I’ll find a lot of needed information. Cheers, Mark