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  1. Cucuy

    Nilgai hunt

    Another vote for King Ranch. I hunted there twice a few years back. Great time! They are less expensive than most places and free range.
  2. Cucuy

    Ideal rifle weight and stock design for 338 WinMag?

    This is one of the original Savage Hog Hunters before they determined that 338 Win Mag was a tad excessive for a pig. I bought it for nilgai/elk but used it this morning because my buddies were using my smaller rifles. Loaded it comes in around 9 lbs. Recoil isn’t bad due to the squishy pad and...
  3. Cucuy

    on a lighter note...

    With my last breath, I must hang out with Xavier!
  4. Cucuy

    Thorn Crown Broadhead Test Video

    Great stuff, keep up the good work! Your tests put me over the edge and I picked up a pack. Arrived this morning and they do fly with the field points. They did frightening damage to my target and I look forward to the opportunity to trying them out for real this season.
  5. Cucuy

    Free Book Giveaway There's Something About Buffalo by Kevin Thomas

    There’s Something About Buffalo
  6. Cucuy


    I'm a herpetologist, if I had a dime every time I heard that one... Here's another perspective (and I have no philosophical problem with pandas!)
  7. Cucuy

    PSA WARNING For Canadians and Northern USA Residents

    Buttercup: Westley, what about the R.O.U.S.'s? Westley: Rodents Of Unusual Size? I don't think they exist. -Immediately, an R.O.U.S. attacks him-
  8. Cucuy

    The ungulate must have accessory for 2017

    I'm getting a Rick James vibe from the toupee. That's fly!
  9. Cucuy

    Snakebites - Who Gets Bitten & Who Dies?

    Don't post much because I'm here to learn for future adventures and have nothing to add about African hunting. However, I can contribute to this. I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn, but trust me, I am a doctor (herpetologist). The whole stun gun therapy for snake bite treatment started in Brazil...
  10. Cucuy

    Norway: flash kills......

    Maybe, maybe not. I know nothing about this, but here's something to consider from a participant on Gary Reeder's site (an American gunsmith): Lightning is a part of the E3 (Environmental Effects) area of Electromagnetics that I worked in for over 48 years and I have never seen a strike foot...
  11. Cucuy

    Nikon Monarch opinions

    Dad was a serious amateur photographer back in the day. Only used Nikon. Because of that, almost all of my optics (scopes et al.) are Nikon. No complaints!
  12. Cucuy

    April Fools 2016: FOR SALE:

    The cats confused me more than the for sale.
  13. Cucuy

    Gourmet Table Fare Or Just Quality Meals, WHat To Expect?

    I've not yet had the privilege of Africa, but have done several outfitted hunts in the US and Canada. Keep me alive with local fare and farting in blinds and trucks and I'm a happy man. As an aside, never had testicles in my mouth. A trend that I plan on keeping - wet, dry, or somewhere in between.
  14. Cucuy


    Like many questionable ideas, I'm confident that "Hold my beer and watch this" was uttered before the shooting started. Poor fellow.
  15. Cucuy

    PSA: Hunters should be aware of Lyme Disease!

    For a no chemical approach, Rynoskin works very well. The only downside is that it's like thick pantyhose and slightly see through - guaranteed to give images to the other fellows at camp that they can't unsee!
  16. Cucuy

    Rhino Farming in China

    $1 bet says that farmed horn is less potent than wild...