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  1. Saul


    I would say there is also a good deal of inherent optimism that we can invent ourselves out of any bind given enough resources, and substantial enough government interventions can soften the blow in the meantime. Personally, I take a quite dismal view toward this sort of problem solving.
  2. Saul


    I think there is a strong impetus on the left to do something now, with very little thought to knock-on effects. This is the result of leftwing politics being such a fractious coalition with an activist mentality.
  3. Saul


    As I see it, more a policy compromise between two competing factions of environmentalists on the left: those who want rapid decarbonization through rapid adoption of new technology and those who oppose ecological disruption by industrial operations. Very similar to the debate on the left...
  4. Saul

    Best balls

    I had a rabbit liver terrine with blackberry jam a while ago that was divine.
  5. Saul

    Politics Some welcome news if true.
  6. Saul


    With all due respect, I feel that your analysis is compromised by taking what Russia says at face value. They are a terrorist state that has demonstrated time and again that they will ignore every treaty, undercut every deal, and murder as many people as they want with seeming impunity. Russia...
  7. Saul


    Charity Watch is a good website to see exactly how a charity spends donations.
  8. Saul

    Factory .416 Taylor Rifles

    The .300 PRC uses the full length .375 Ruger case, while the RCM line was a shortened version. If I were to guess, given that the market for .375 caliber anything is relatively small compared to the .300 class of cartridges, all of that brass and production capacity just shifted over to focus on...
  9. Saul

    Best balls

    Growing up eating gefilte fish and head cheese, I am hardly one to judge.
  10. Saul


    I am not much for donating to politicians. I prefer my donations to go to chairities, though I do give to my alma mater. However, its president has so dissapointed me that I am trying to pull every lever at my disposal to see him gone.
  11. Saul

    Hats on safari

    I generally dislike ball caps, especially when there is a lot of sun, as I then have to decide between my face or the back of my neck getting burned, along with my ears.
  12. Saul

    Factory .416 Taylor Rifles

    I think any cartridge based off of the .375 Ruger is safe to stay for a long time, given that it shares brass with the .300 PRC.
  13. Saul

    One final rodeo, bolt-action or double rifle for my last big bore thumper?

    Selling a gun is like selling one of your children, you should never even consider it…unless it will help cover the cost of a hunting trip.
  14. Saul

    One final rodeo, bolt-action or double rifle for my last big bore thumper?

    I know the answer. You know the answer. We all know the answer is a .500 NE double.
  15. Saul

    Medical Question

    My wife is an MD and I showed her this post. She said her first thought would be Lyme disease, and a false negative test result is not uncommon early on, but that you NEED to get seen by an infectious/tropical disease MD ASAP.
  16. Saul


    I must confess there was a period of my young life where I flirted with Austrian economics. I read a great deal of Hayek, though I never much cared for Mises.
  17. Saul


    My concern is that a consumption tax would fall particularly heavily on essential purchases, thus having an outsized impact on the middle and lower classes. Further, it seems to me that it would disincentivize spending in general. Finally, I worry that it would have an insidious effect as it...
  18. Saul


    I think you would greatly appreciate “The Rise and Decline of Nations” by Mancur Olson. A little dry for some, but it is the most comprehensive analysis I have read of what you described. With regard to a consumption tax, are you concerned about how it would impact GDP?
  19. Saul


    I think you will like Tyler Cowen. He is an economist at George Mason University. He also runs a blog called Marginal Revolution.
  20. Saul


    I would argue that a high corporate income tax is more of an impediment to growth and innovation. You could certainly make the argument that a low personal income tax rate would result in even greater unfettered growth; however, if we are operating within the confines of providing a certain...
  21. Saul

    Any reason not to use a 300 PRC for Plains Game??

    Are there businesses in Africa that do custom ammunition loading? If so, it could be possible to just place an order before you arrive and then not have to worry at all about cartridge availability. Just a thought!
  22. Saul


    Facing resistance is nothing new. Being criticized is nothing new. Being investigated is nothing new. That is why it is so important for presidents to win over a large segment of the population, so that they can weather these storms. Some succeed. Some fail. All should be judged by their...
  23. Saul


    There have been numerous studies that suggest a high personal income tax paired with a low corporate income tax is best for economic growth without running a deficit. This seems to be a popular strategy in many European countries, including Finland and Sweden. Just something to chew on when we...
  24. Saul


    Who specifically are Biden’s supposed handlers? I hear this stated from many folks both on this forum and in person, and I would like some clarity on this.
  25. Saul


    I would expand on your assessment to include freedom caucus folks. Both parties are increasingly recalcitrant. When discussing why Trump failed to unify the country, there is plenty of blame to go around, but as President, Trump has to own it. I think the same thing applies to President Biden...
  26. Saul

    500 Jeffery Club

    What is the .500 Bateleur?
  27. Saul


    I am sorry, I am not sure exactly what you are asking me.
  28. Saul


    I quite like Gutfeld. Nothing is going to get a comedian like him to go harder at someone than when they try to avoid criticism.
  29. Saul

    Politics Every time Biden does something good, like his speeches on campus protests and antisemitism, he has to go and do something like this. I have tried to give him latitude to navigate the politics of an election year, but this...
  30. Saul


    I agree, we clearly inhabit different information spheres. I also think that Trump’s greatest strength as a politician is his ability to make everyone hear what they want from him. Regardless, I appreciate you taking the time to respond. Thank you, I forgot to mention Haley and Haspel as two...
  31. Saul


    I respect this point of view. Personally, I think it speaks poorly of her character and temperament. Moving past the actual act of puppy killing, the fact that she insisted on bragging about it in a book and then continued to double down on it in increasingly baffling ways speaks poorly of her...
  32. Saul

    "Lighter Politics" Humour

    I just want to know why JCVD has a statue.
  33. Saul


    I agree, he made quire a lot of threats; however, I have not seen any data to suggest that it resulted in any sort of meaningful economic gain for the US. That is the source of my disappointment.
  34. Saul


    Agreed. Very good speech, delivered well and with conviction. I just hope enough people are willing to listen.
  35. Saul


    First of all, despite disagreeing with you strongly, I have never once doubted that you honestly believe what you say to be true. I would appreciate that same respect. Second, while I might hope that a President fails to accomplish certain aspects of their policy agenda, I hope that every...
  36. Saul

    Suppressor on new Ruger .375

    You should be able to use .300 PRC brass if you cannot find 375 Ruger. Will just take resizing.
  37. Saul


    President Biden has delivered aid to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan; he led a dramatic expansion of NATO; he has brought heavy investment into US semiconductor manufacturing and paired it with aggressive sanctions on Chinese acquisition of them; he has also led America to having the fastest and...
  38. Saul


    Could not agree more. For all of my disagreements with him on policy, it is impossible to deny his love of America and he had a truly special ability to instill pride in American values around the world. That is what this world needs now more than ever.
  39. Saul


    Fair enough. You and I have come to a different conclusion about his presidency, but I respect that you feel that he delivered, or at least attempted to deliver, on the policies that were most important to you.
  40. Saul


    Yes, though I am not the first to conclude that Reagan’s strength was not in his skill as chief executive, but rather in his skill as a communicator and leader. It is also hardly a secret that I disagree with a large part of Reagan’s policies. That diminishes his standing in my eyes as a...
  41. Saul


    From what I have read, it is not a legitimate offer, but rather the Egyptian proposal with the details crossed out and Hamas’ original demands written in instead. They “accepted” nothing, just playing the media.
  42. Saul

    Malaria Medication Next Week in Limpopo - Take or Not

    I think the default should be listening to your MD. I am not just saying that because I am married to one so doing what she says is nonnegotiable for me.
  43. Saul


    Reagan was truly a master communicator. Trump is just a salesman.
  44. Saul


    I always felt that even if Reagan was a marginal president, he was a generational leader. I am not sure we will see another like him in my lifetime.
  45. Saul


    You are correct, and it is something that dissapoints me greatly.
  46. Saul

    Show off your 100-year-old guns

    What is the make if you do not mind me asking? Are those Damascus barrels?
  47. Saul


    I am with you on banning it, my disagreement is with the notion that it is normalized and encouraged. The vast majority of Americans agree with us on this.
  48. Saul


    I am failing to understand your point here. Are you suggesting that we prioritize this over every other issue or that it somehow signifies that this current moment in history is uniquely terrible?
  49. Saul


    No one here is disputing that these things happen, and I think we are probably all pretty much in agreement about whether these things are bad. At the same time, it is still a fringe issue in the grand scheme of things, and we would be better off not catastrophizing.
  50. Saul


    There is support for all sorts of bad things within every party, but that does not make it a majority or even a sizable number. Unfortunately, social media and modern news operates on an outrage model that magnifies the most outrageous fringes. That does not make it acceptable, but it also does...