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Shooting Olympics in Zim

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Shooting Olympics in Zim

On the last day, we rounded up all the trackers, skinners, kitchen staff, patrol staff, etc. and had the 1st annual Mjingwe Olympics! We had rifle shooting, dry river sand 100 yard sprints, dizzy relay races (run 50 yrds, go around a stick in the sand with your forehead ten times then run back the 50 yards), ect.. We had the entire staff in stitches with our games. We burned a lot of 300WBY and .223 lead and had more laughs than I’ve had in years.. We gave away binos, cash, knives, etc. to the winners. The staff had an absolute blast.. I suppose I owed them.. I gave them all hell the entire time I was there. I had packed a 4ft. rubber snake with me this trip that looked terribly like a black mamba! I scared the living poop out of each and every staff member we had over the couse of the 10 days! Snake in the hamper, snake in the shower, snake in the cooler, snake in the front seat.. You get the idea! I think I had a bounty on my head by the time the hunt was over!

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