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3 horned Limpopo Bushbuck - 2008 - closeup photo

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3 horned Limpopo Bushbuck - 2008 - closeup photo

This is a close up photo of the third "floating horn" which was on the Limpopo Bushbuck from our 2008 trip with Numzaan Outfitters in South Africa. This and all of our 16 plains game trophies (zebra, waterbuck, impala, black wildebeast, blesbuck, gemsbuck, springbok and nyala) were all taken with our mightly little .260 Remington using the Barnes TSX bullet (no backup shots required from the PH on any animals either, to both our suprise and I think his) after our larger rifle was held up in Customs.

black-mamba1.JPG Jason_Stone_088.jpg DSC04546.JPG baboon_03.jpg baboon_01.jpg
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#1 Wed April 29, 2009 7:35pm


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