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Waffen Frankonia 7x64     close up

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Waffen Frankonia 7x64 close up

A rare rifle with barrel markings of having been built for the BEA Corp, or British East Africa Corp.

Old_Downloads_001.JPG 280_AI_rifle.jpg IMG_0923.JPG Almost_Pearly_Gates_intern_.wmv DSC_1011.JPG
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Views: 5,795

I am curious as to why this picture has way more hits than any other. ???
#1 Fri November 25, 2011 1:39am

Perhaps it is due to the image title "Waffen Frankonia 7x64 close up" which comes relevant with the search engines...
#2 Fri November 25, 2011 8:45am

In the April 2012 issue of Gun World magazine there will be my article about this rifle.
#3 Sat February 18, 2012 5:36am

Or not! Just heard from the chickenshit editor there, Steve Quinlan that some sales guy told him not to run my piece because it was about a personal firearm and not something that could generate sales! Glad I am out of the gunwriting game. Too much bullshit! You bet I'm pissed!
#4 Fri March 16, 2012 1:34am


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