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McElroy Hunts Dangerous Game by C.J. McElroy

McElroy Hunts Dangerous Game by C.J. McElroy

Campfire Tales About Big Game Hunting on Six Continents.

A veteran of 56 African safaris in 20 countries, 41 safaris in Europe and Asia and 62 in N. America - all while working and founding Safari Club Intl as well. Mac has spent a lifetime hunting dangerous game-the kind that can and will kill the careless hunter if given a chance. This Mac's fourth book and his best, appropriately dedicated to the trophy hunters of the world that walk that extra mile or climb that extra 1,000 feet to obtain a fine trophy and to the PHs who have shown him the way and shared campfires with him. This large format, great reading book is crammed with story after story about hunting dangerous game-all recounted with that natural story telling ability that has made Mac so well known to everyone in the hunting and literary world. Amazingly Mac's almost 450 trophies, taken over the last 40 years, still rank in the top 20 percent of the record books. His hunting career is unlikely ever to be matched by any other sport hunter.

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