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CIC Roe Deer Measuring Guide

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CIC Roe Deer Measuring Guide

International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation

To enable the Trophy Judges to measure Roe buck heads, the skulls should have been cleaned of all skin and tissue, boiled out and if may be trimmed to the short nose cut as shown in the diagram.
The short nose cut is represented by the top solid black line and whilst the other other cuts shown are acceptable, including a full skull without the jawbone, deductions will be made for those other cuts during the scoring process. Owners are however encouraged to have their trophies measured with a full skull before having them cut for mounting purposes.

As a rough guide to the potential score that your Roe head might reach, the following net weights are given to indicate the possible medal status. Please remember that these are net weights for a short nose cut and that there are other factors involved in the final measurement. A full skull will require 90grms to be deducted to achieve the net weight:

Bronze Medal 365grms
Silver Medal 420grms
Gold medal 500grms

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