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My daughters first BULL MOOSE

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My daughters first BULL MOOSE

Here is a picture of my daughter Alexis and her first bull moose. Myself and my daughters Alexis (12 yo), Eden (10 yo), and Skye (6 yo), took off at 6 am and drove 90 miles up a non maintained highway with 18" of fresh snow on the road. The temperature was -27 below zero. We spotted a bull about 2 miles off the road. Unloaded the snowmachines and headed over towards it. After getting stuck a few times in the deep snow, we got to within 1/4 mile of the moose and then went on foot. We stalked the moose down into the trees, but it heard us coming and took off. We walked back up the mountain and got back on the snow machines. I then spotted this bull coming out of trees, so we took off again on the snowmachine straight down hill towards the moose. We ended up having to stalk the last 50 yards in waist deep snow as we got stuck in a ravine. The moose was about 350 yards away and knew we were there. I put my daughter on the shooting sticks (after using them in Africa, I made a pair for myself when I am hunting with my daughters) and she fired a 180 grain barnes triple shock from the Tikka .300 wsm right into the boiler room! The moose immediately fell to the ground and my daughter had her first moose! It took about and hour of trail breaking to get the machines to the moose. I knew it was a big bull, but wasn't sure how big. After 2 1/2 hours of butchering, we got it done and ready to be hauled out. The snow conditions were horrible, so I could only take a quarter at a time! I hauled the kids out to the truck where they waited. It took me 3 hours to get all the meat hauled up the steep hill and loaded into the truck. When I was done, it was 11 pm and was -35 below zero! I got the machines loaded up and we drove home arriving at 2 am! The pictures say it all. I have some happy hunting daughters! The bull ended up being 62.5"!

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#1 Tue January 27, 2015 1:27pm


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