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Hunting Blackbuck

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Hunting Blackbuck

A friend and I decided to head to Texas and add scimitar horned oryx to our trophy rooms. After the oryx hunt was concluded, I decided to add a blackbuck.

We spotted two males feeding along the edge of some native grass. We made a stalk to a small tree, but I couldn't see the blackbucks as they were feeding just over a slight rise. When the wind would blow hard enough, I could see portions of them thru the grass. Deciding we were out of luck at our present position, we crawled thru the grass to our left to get behind some cedar trees. We moved slowly from one cedar tree to the next until we were in the correct position. My guide and I were discussing which buck to take, when they started feeding towards us to our left. We were standing on the left side of our chosen cedar tree and as the bucks fed we quickly became exposed. My guide kept hissing to take the shot as they were going to see us. However, I waited until the selected ram stopped at about 70 yards. The buck ran about 25 yards before expiring and I had a trophy I have wanted to add to my trophy room for many years now.

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NICE BLACKBUCK I need to add one to my wall as well.
#1 Sun May 15, 2011 10:17pm

Thanks Bob! I took this guy as a secondary animal as my primary, a scimitar horned oryx, was already in the cooling shed. Hunt one during the winter months when they get the dark color. I personally think the dark coloring is much more attractive than their brownish color of summer.

Thanks again,
#2 Sun June 26, 2011 3:56pm

Excellent trophy!
#3 Sat August 27, 2011 1:25pm


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