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My six year old sons first buck

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My six year old sons first buck

My little man has been after this buck since youth season. We have seen him every weekend, but he just wouldn't stay broadside long enough for him to get on him solid or a doe would step in front of him. We went out to lease on Tuesday night for the holiday weekend and didn't see him until Saturady afternoon I was starting to think one of the neighbors had shoot him. He came in early and solo so Cade was able to take his time and made a great shot with his .222. He bolted and ran about 25 yards and piled up. I haven't released an arrow yet, but my season is complete. His new favorite saying is "Big Buck Down" we heard it every 10 minutes for the rest of the weekend. When I told him before the season he could shoot a 6 or 7 point this year for his first I had know idea this toad was going to be the first 6 we saw.

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Awesome to see Mr.Cader man on here buddy!
#1 Tue September 15, 2015 10:17pm


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