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Thank Goodness for the Jack Russell

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Thank Goodness for the Jack Russell

Well we weren't having much luck with bushbuck and we sat over a large soybean feild were they had been doing some crop damage. At last light this fellow steps out at 150-175 yards and I placed my shot a little too far back and only caught the off-side lung. When I took the shot I was sitting and shooting over Johans shoulder, the scope came back and hit me in the eyebrow, as blood was running into my eye Johan is telling me to "shoot again, shoot again." By the time the I cleared my eye, the bushbuck made it back into the tall reeds. Johan made a decision to go back to camp, have a drink, I smoked a cigar, gave time for the bullet to work and most importantly get the little jack russell terrier. Johan and I headed back to the tall reeds armed with my rifle, Johans shotgun with buckshot and a team of men with bright flashlights. When we got back the jackie picked up the blood right away and found the buck dead. Quite good excitement for a bushbuck.

segunda_parte_409.jpg segunda_parte_490.jpg BushbuckwithJohananddog.jpg zimbabwe2009264.jpg DSCN3021.jpg
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