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Closing Day Leopard - Windhoek Namibia

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Closing Day Leopard - Windhoek Namibia

After a bad experience of having a farmer accidently shoot one of my hounds in the Kamanjab district of Namibia we decided to change venue for the remainder of the hunt.It was a tough call to start from scratch in a new area with only a few days remaining.We were rewarded with this monster on our last day just East of Windhoek actually within 15 minutes drive from the city centre.The lucky hunter was Jim Hill USA.

Cattle_killer_taken_with_Sparks_Hounds.jpg Cattle_killer_tracked_by_Sparks_Hounds_Omaruru_Namibia.jpg Jim_Hill_with_large_cattle_killer_tracked_by_Sparks_Hounds.jpg leapord11.jpg Roy_Sparks_008.jpg
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Roy Sparks

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