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Motsomi Safaris

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Motsomi Safaris

To the Motsomi Crew,
A few years ago Cale & I chose to make our hunting dreams come true by agreeing to start hunting in new places. We could have never imagined how much it would change our out-look of life!
This safari has brought the Waldrip family together through laughter (candle eater), tears (Chris shooting her Kudu & Cale recovering it), heart ache (unexpected archery shooting) and incredible joy (successful shots & team effort for recovery)!
We will never forget your amazing kindness, professionalism, dedication to success, and most of all, the great stories! Most importantly your patients while we worked together to complete our hunting experience on a positive note!
Ghani is worth her weight in gold!
Cale and Jacinda Waldrip
Rawlins, Wy, USA

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Motsomi Safaris

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