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  1. freefall


    I disunderstand why WE aren't running our vehicles on CNG (or LNG). Yes, the infrastructure to fuel them would be expensive, but less so than the electrical abortion they're trying to push on us.
  2. freefall

    Capes for sale

    I need a 2X (fat guy) Batman cape!
  3. freefall


    His team is. Joe couldn't tie his own shoes for a $20 bribe.
  4. freefall

    Good Gun Deals This Week

    I forget who said it, but "You don't always get what you pay for, but you never get what you DON'T pay for".
  5. freefall


    Whilst I have 0 patience or sympathy for morons who borrow money they haven't a hope of repayment, I also have 0 patience or sympathy for predators who lend them money and then don't get repaid. I once had a trusty assistant who had maxed out 4 credit cards, owed around 100k at 21(?)%. said "I...
  6. freefall


    Steve Winwood nailed it around 1970 "The percentage you're paying is too high a price,For living beyond your means. And the man in the suit has just bought a new car, with the profit he made on your dreams."
  7. freefall


    And have been since I started paying attention about 1970. Probably since the end of WWII but I missed some of that.
  8. freefall

    Animals destroy airplane tires?

    Moose don't like it either
  9. freefall


    That's because you're a nice person and determined to support the group you've been affiliated with since your early childhood. Congrats on realizing they are craven and feckless! Now you just need to recognize corruption and malevolence! You do realize that his last speech in Detroit Your...
  10. freefall

    Animals destroy airplane tires?

    Bacon rind works best imho. They can't lick that out. Black bears will destroy anything black, in my experience. Tires, scooter seats, if it's black and they can reach it, it's doomed. I guess they're racists.
  11. freefall


    So Nikki Haley says she intends to vote for Trump. What say you Trump-haters?
  12. freefall

    Proper Dangerous Game Rifle followup when the client can't followup?

    I would far rather follow the bear into the alders alone than with some guy I don't know who already got excited and made a poor shot behind me with a loaded rifle.
  13. freefall

    Best .45 ACP round for black bear protection

    You experts are fun to listen to. When I have been within huffing distance of interested black bears I was glad to have more than a badminton racket in hand. But I do appreciate you taking the time to elucidate We the Unwashed.
  14. freefall

    Pay It Forward-Free

    No thank you, I have no need of your rings, I just hate everybody willing to ship to Lower 48 and consigning we Alaskans to hell. But I could use the $872,547. Just saying.
  15. freefall

    Pay It Forward-Free

    Oncet again I am discriminated against. I neither need not want your rings, but you won't send them to me, so I'ma call the ACLU and sue your butt off! You can settle with me out-of-court for $872,547 or Dewey, Dickem and Howe will be in touch to violate you.
  16. freefall


    Saul, I feel really bad for you. It has to be excruciating to mentally contort yourself to excuse the behavior we all see from your party.
  17. freefall


    No one believes they/ve been bought til the buyer demands what he paid for.
  18. freefall


    It's just you.
  19. freefall

    Pay It Forward-Free

    Why bother? Let someone who wants them get them, you take something you DO want. Why ship them twice? Or am I just too dim to see the logic here?
  20. freefall


  21. freefall


  22. freefall

    Cleaning straight rifled sub gauge tubes

    Speak to me of these straight-rifled sub gauge tubes. Where does one find them and what are they used for? Paradox type guns, or something undreamt in my philosophy?
  23. freefall


    If (unlikely) I lived in cottonmouth country, I would pay the $200 class whatever fee and carry a sawed-off 20ga O/U, probably in a shoulder rig aligned with my spine. Depends how short I could get the barrels. But buy the Class 2-3 license, whatever it is, no problem! Have I mentioned lately...
  24. freefall


    Yeah, what Bob said! THAT's the kind of nasty little weasel Biden has been since I first noticed him during the Robert Bork confirmation hearings. I would tell you younkers to google it, but I can't imagine they'd be truthful about the nastiness displayed by Biden and Ted Kennedy.
  25. freefall


    I am not saying anyone at a government agency deliberately set out to fraudulently incriminate Trump. (hello Col Vindman? Jim Comey?) I'm just mocking you.
  26. freefall


    No, nefarious only comes from one direction for you, eh?
  27. freefall


    So I read this morning on PJ Media that the "Classified Documents" "discovered" in the big Mar a Lago raid were shipped there by the GSA. "We got all this stuff, where can we send it?"
  28. freefall

    Full Custom Browning Hi Power

    Just remember me in your will.
  29. freefall


    Great strategy! One killer goes free, but you get a "stay out of court free" card for life! Smartly played!
  30. freefall


    Well, Saul, I hope if I am ever arrested for a crime that I'm guilty of that you will be on my jury. Of course, I'll register as a D to get the benefit of the doubt you deny Trump's children.
  31. freefall


    Why do you think Hunter Biden was involved with Burisma? What product, service, or expertise did he have that made him valuable?
  32. freefall

    Full Custom Browning Hi Power

    IMHO, it is neither fish, flesh, nor fowl. It was created to be the ultimate anti-personel handgun caliber, combining the stopping power of the .45 ACP with the magazine capacity of the 9mm. As with most "Ultimate" inventions, it somewhat underwhelmed. It was born the bastard child of the 10mm...
  33. freefall


    Sorry to drag in this whole long passage to get to the point that Saul sees no proof of Biden's corruption. Saul, you have the sworn testimony of Hunter's business partner. You have Biden himself constantly changing his story about the depth of his involvement in Hunter's business. You have...
  34. freefall


    Have you paid attention to his words and actions throughout his career? Or do you think he's just a well-meaning elderly man with a memory problem?
  35. freefall


    Must be in the Job Description. "Wanted: Snake Eagle. Must have good venom resistance"
  36. freefall


    My daughter received mail-in ballots from the city of Anchorage for 10 years after she'd moved to Texas. We kept sending them back marked "No Such Person at This Address", but they kept coming. Way to increase the turnout, all righty.
  37. freefall


    Interesting question posed by Kurt Sclichter at TownHall this morning, "Will Jews stop voting for Democrats who want to kill them?"
  38. freefall


    Like Democrats. They're blackmailproof.
  39. freefall


    Investigations were not allowed in most of the places where the alleged fraud took place. Do you not remember that? It doesn't matter, you are as bought in to the "Orange Man Bad" trope as any NPR true believer, just for different reasons. Once again, I am not a Trumpist like some here, I still...
  40. freefall


    Some people thought he was better than Trump. Especially dead ones and peoples who voted 5-6 times. Whether more LIVE people thought he was better,,, If you truly believe Biden got more votes than Obama, I have some beautiful Alaskan Meadowland I'd like to offer you at a MOST attractive price...
  41. freefall


    While ignoring actual slavery in many parts of the world, and virtual slavery among many of the girls who are trafficked over the border.
  42. freefall


    I too felt that people with views different than mine needn't be considered evil, even though I felt many of the policies they advocated for were indeed evil and that the people cheering them on to those policies were most likely evil themselves. Then, on Oct 7, a group of terrorists invaded a...
  43. freefall

    HOWDAH Pistols for stopping the charge

    I thought .45 Colt called for .454"
  44. freefall


    It was in Bearing Arms which appears on the Hot Air website. Just try Bearing Arms .com or however you do that, I'm sure you can find it.
  45. freefall


    Yet you will vote for the people who put him there.
  46. freefall


    NYC judge just ruled, The 2nd Amendment does not exist here, this is New York". I need to correct myself, he didn't Rule that, just stated it in court when warning defendant's attorney not to use 2A as a defense.
  47. freefall

    Want To Trade Chapuis Slug Gun

    My question meant, why not go out and shoot a target? Or are you selling it as unfired and I just missed that? Ah, yes. Missed that. Why not shoot it, do you think "Believe it's unfired" makes it worth more?
  48. freefall


    Maybe the little anarcho-nazis want to build houses the Big Bad Wolf can't blow down?
  49. freefall

    Want To Trade Chapuis Slug Gun

    Why not?
  50. freefall

    Want To Trade Chapuis Slug Gun

    So it sounds like a "buckshot and slug" gun... pretty useful for a driven game hunt. Got a target?