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  1. B

    First time big game hunter - should I start with an African safari?

    Thank you for sharing your story. Very helpful. And congrats!
  2. B

    First time big game hunter - should I start with an African safari?

    This is extraordinarily helpful! Thank you so much for taking the time to respond with this very thoughtful and comprehensive post. I have a well-thumbed copy of The Perfect Shot and have found it very useful - glad to hear that is useful in real life as well. Thank you again for this. Very...
  3. B

    First time big game hunter - should I start with an African safari?

    Hi, I am a long-time bird hunter interested in trying big game. I've never hunted anything but birds. Is it a reasonable idea to have my first big game hunt be an African safari or do I need to "train" and have experience with some other big game hunting first? I'm working on my rifle...