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  1. Mongoose4percent

    Life Goes On A Gorilla Hunt

    I’m wa I’m aware. I was speaking hypothetically. Poaching over the last fifty to one hundred years has made this a moot subject.
  2. Mongoose4percent

    Life Goes On A Gorilla Hunt

    Yes. Same here. No problem whatever with hunting a line bull. I’d probably be interesting myself, under ethical circumstances. The specimen hunting expeditions, I find appalling.
  3. Mongoose4percent

    Life Goes On A Gorilla Hunt

    That’s the one. Was controversial even then, despite the fact that the Gorilla in question, had been allegedly attacking villagers. In the same thread, there was a similar posting of a Mannlicher ad from the 1920s or ‘30s. Large specimen, and as I recall, that was in fact a trophy hunt...
  4. Mongoose4percent

    Life Goes On A Gorilla Hunt

    To me, these procurement expeditions funded by zoos and museums are far worse, than a trophy hunter taking a lone, adult male.
  5. Mongoose4percent

    Life Goes On A Gorilla Hunt

    Great info. Thanks for posting! There was an advertisement in the 1960s of a trophy hunter and a male gorilla he had taken. It was posted on an other forum a couple of years ago.
  6. Advertisement 1960s

    Advertisement 1960s

  7. Mongoose4percent

    If you could only do one, or one more safari

    If we are talking attainable and realistic…Brown Bear, African Lion, Cape Buffalo. If we are talking fantasy…collect a couple of hunting buddies, time travel to the early Twentieth Century, hire a good outfitter, get lost in the wilds of Africa…and hunt EVERYthing.
  8. Mongoose4percent

    Aside from Africa, what are some memorable guided hunts around the world that rival the experience of an African Safari?

    It wouldn’t be on the same level with Africa, but a trip to Australia to hunt feral game, would be awesome. Populations are out of control, so not much if any kind of limit. Camel, Water Buffalo, Scrub bull, Donkey and Brumby. The Camels grow to large size, comparable to an Eland. Scrub...
  9. Mongoose4percent

    Comment by 'Mongoose4percent' in media 'Brown Bear Hunting'

    The video of this hunt posted to the YouTube channel, is excellent.
  10. Mongoose4percent

    Comment by 'Mongoose4percent' in media 'Pig Hunt USA'

    Yeah, that is still a great hunt. I figured it took more than a couple of shots to drop him. Respect!
  11. Mongoose4percent

    Comment by 'Mongoose4percent' in media 'Pig Hunt USA'

    Took him at full charge? That’s incredible!
  12. Mongoose4percent

    Comment by 'Mongoose4percent' in media 'Dwarfing a Tall Man: The Greatest of the Anthropoid Apes'

    I agree, but only up to a point. Many animals are ‘basically human’ in regards to intelligence, emotions, and self awareness. There’s a lot of visual evidence to back up that statement, on Tik Tok, alone. Great Apes appear human which adds to that equation, but I still don’t see the...
  13. Mongoose4percent

    Comment by 'Mongoose4percent' in media 'Life Goes On A Gorilla Hunt'

    To me, this is WAY worse than taking a lone, adult male, as a trophy hunt. Killing the adults, to simply capture, and enslave the young. Beyond sick. I try to point out the difference, to the un-hinged elements of the animal rights community. To no avail.
  14. Mongoose4percent

    Comment by 'Mongoose4percent' in media 'Dwarfing a Tall Man: The Greatest of the Anthropoid Apes'

    I agree. Today, it is unsettling, just as hunting Rhinos, is becoming a major issue today. Rhinos are now threatened, and with some species, nearing extinction. That changes perception. Case in point…Baboons. Not great apes, but also primates. There is no stigma to hunting them, because...
  15. Mongoose4percent

    Comment by 'Mongoose4percent' in media 'Gorilla Hunting'

    It was, long before poaching was a thing, and other abuses, like hunting and trapping wild specimens to be sent off to zoos.