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  1. WebleyGreene455

    Show your Sharps!

    If not for being the wrong war, I'd think you meant a very particular Watson...
  2. WebleyGreene455

    Show your Sharps!

    They didn't. Something like five prototypes or test models were made, but I've never actually seen photos of one that I know of. Just folks' modern versions.
  3. WebleyGreene455

    Show your Sharps!

    Y'know, I've thought about those '75s. They were barely produced at all historically speaking, IIRC, but they have a distinctly English look to them like some of their overseas contemporaries. The allure of the '74 isn't there but of late I seem to keep coming back to consider them.
  4. WebleyGreene455

    Show your Sharps!

    I've seen some chambered for .45-120 and for larger bore cartridges than a .45/.450. I suppose it just depends on the barrel and the action used.
  5. WebleyGreene455

    Show your Sharps!

    Heck I'll share a listing photo or two... I did a trade for this: Is it a Sharps? No, and I still want one badly. But I like the Remington design too; it's a bit more sleek and has plenty of military and hunting pedigree of its own. Plus here's the fun part: (Except it's not NE. It's...
  6. WebleyGreene455

    Show your Sharps!

    Hopefully within the next few days I'll have something to post here. Although it's not a Sharps. That's still on the table for the future but I found a contemporary cousin that I couldn't quite pass up...
  7. WebleyGreene455

    Is this Legit?

    The fingers have straight-line edges and the shadows are wrong. Plus those nails are nasty. The trigger guard of the rifle has a completely different background than the alleged floor. The note is excessively pixelated when it shouldn't be, even the edges. And of course the lines on it are way...
  8. WebleyGreene455

    Shiloh Sharps 45-90

    There is one right here who'd love a Sharps. But he just traded for a Remington rolling-block in .450 BPE...
  9. WebleyGreene455

    For Sale Rifles & Militaria

    Good evening folks. The Pedersoli has been accepted in trade (I'll be posting THAT in a different section once it shows up) and is no longer available. Everything else is still up for grabs. ~~W.G.455
  10. WebleyGreene455

    Northern Lights in South Georgia. Get outside now!!

    Not remotely. They're usually only visible much closer to the poles, but there's an extra-strong solar storm going on over the weekend flinging so much extra particles out that they're interacting with Earth at a wider swath of latitudes.
  11. WebleyGreene455

    Favourite quotes - Here's mine, Quite a long list. What's yours?

    "I may not be as young as I once was... but I'm older!" -- Hondo Ohnaka
  12. WebleyGreene455

    Favourite quotes - Here's mine, Quite a long list. What's yours?

    "To defeat an enemy, you must know them. Not simply their battle tactics, but their history. Philosophy. Art." "A king may move a man. A father may claim a son. But remember that even when those who move you be kings or men of power, your soul is in your keeping alone. When you stand before...
  13. WebleyGreene455

    Hello from Georgia

    Years and years ago, I was walking along the water's edge at Ft King George. Bout 10 feet of dead gator came a-floating down the creek. I don't think I wanna go too far up in there in our dinghy!
  14. WebleyGreene455

    Hello from Georgia

    My family has a house down there about 20min up the road from Darien. I've seen the gators that lurk around Mudcat Charlie's and upriver a bit.
  15. WebleyGreene455

    Hello from Georgia

    And I live in Coastal Georgia! Welcome to AH.
  16. WebleyGreene455

    New guy but wise gentleman

    Howdy and welcome
  17. WebleyGreene455

    Chambering ID needed

    It should be standard 7.92/8x57mm Mauser rimless, presumably the later bullet diameter. Marking the calibre as 8x57MR seems to be a Belgian thing, since it appears on rifles made or modified by FN et al, and that's a Liege and Belgian Nitro Proof on your barrel.
  18. WebleyGreene455

    In memoriam - Of A Fellow Forum Member @Major Khan Whom I Both Greatly Admired & Loathed

    Major Khan was always quite polite to a new guy from GA in the time I've spent on here. I knew he wasn't a young man anymore and when he disappeared, I suspected we would not see him return again. I'm still dismayed to be correct.
  19. WebleyGreene455

    45-70 for dangerous game?

    I'm asking purely about Zimbabwe because it's where I've figured I'll go if I ever do. Do they not have a minimum energy requirement also? I haven't been able to find the documents again but I recall seeing that there was a minimum energy listed when I looked at the rules a while ago. Which made...
  20. WebleyGreene455

    Dan wesson 1911 engraved bbq gun

    Only if they're in .38 Super. Bonus points if they have gold-plated Aztec-motif grips.
  21. WebleyGreene455

    Dan wesson 1911 engraved bbq gun

    The sorta shiny gun you take to the BBQs to show off to your friends. Typically rarely fired, BBQ guns generally hibernate inside a safe until BBQ season, upon which they emerge in gussied-up holsters and belts to be displayed while consuming mass amounts of Southern-style pig and cow. They're...
  22. WebleyGreene455

    Laymen: what have they asked you?

    "How far do they shoot?" should be answered only with "A ways off."
  23. WebleyGreene455

    Game List

    I'm pretty sure I've put my list up here somewhere before. I don't remember it being terribly long, and almost certainly I trimmed it down to the most personally valuable, about six or seven different animals. Lion Leopard Nile crocodile Spotted hyena Black-backed jackal Common eland Sable...
  24. WebleyGreene455

    What kind of cat is this and how do I rejuvenate the hide?

    Lol but jaguars do have rosettes! Just much larger and usually less dense ones than leopards! And even cougars/panthers/mountain lions/swamp kitties have been known to have them subtly IIRC, at least in some populations. But either way, it's certainly not a jaaaaag or an ocelot, and the spotting...
  25. WebleyGreene455

    What kind of cat is this and how do I rejuvenate the hide?

    I know very little about leopards of any kind but I was thinking female or juvenile based on how dense the rosettes appear. A lot of the adult Indian leopards I've seen photos of aren't that densely patterned. But the coat color looks about right to me, compared with these Indian leopard skins...
  26. WebleyGreene455

    Need Expertise Please To My Mystery

    Ah Reddit can be stupid... Okay, the original poster asks, "I have a Husqvarna hunting rifle with a Mauser action. The bolt goes in but when it comes forward it is completely stuck and wont turn at all to lock the action. I can move the bolt back and fourth but cant turn. Also the flag safety...
  27. WebleyGreene455

    Need Expertise Please To My Mystery

    Rare Breed, is this similar to your issue? Could be your bolt needs a strip-and-clean, something might be gunking it up or slightly misaligned.
  28. WebleyGreene455

    Is it legal to hunt Dangerous game in Africa with a 45/70 Lever action rifle?

    Garret's 420gr "hammerhead +P" makes the energy requirements for lion, giraffe, and eland in Zimbabwe (unless they changed something from the last time I checked), but definitely falls short of the requirements for buffalo/elephant/hippo. If you want to consider leopard and croc "dangerous...
  29. WebleyGreene455

    For Sale Rifles & Militaria

    Good evening everyone. I've decided that starting next week (Dec 17, most likely), these items will all also be listed on GunsInternational. As always, if you're interested, drop me a PM. I will update this thread should anything be sold offsite. Thanks, ~~W.G.455
  30. WebleyGreene455

    Let’s play a game, shall we

    For those wondering, this is the magazine cutoff to a Magazine Lee-Enfield/Lee-Speed rifle.
  31. WebleyGreene455

    Let’s play a game, shall we

    It's a component of a larger item, yes. It's actually a couple inches long, though. I neglected to put a coin in for scale.
  32. WebleyGreene455

    Let’s play a game, shall we

    Who knows what this is?
  33. WebleyGreene455

    Let’s play a game, shall we

    Dammit I was about to say that and I scrolled down...
  34. WebleyGreene455

    Let’s play a game, shall we

    Hmm that only took a few minutes to find out exactly what it is, but Imma keep mum about it~
  35. WebleyGreene455

    Best Place to Sell Firearms etc?

    He makes a valid point. Relatively-recent or long-existing users with blocked profiles, no avatar/icon, and a plethora of sudden and barely-useful posts are often considered hallmarks of scams or even hacked accounts. Not always, but as he says, there's a pattern. In any case, I don't consider...
  36. WebleyGreene455

    Best Place to Sell Firearms etc?

    Or instead of saying inane and unhelpful things like "shaking my head", you could be more encouraging to someone who hasn't sold a firearm before and wanted to cover his bases as to suggestions. Just a thought.
  37. WebleyGreene455

    Best Place to Sell Firearms etc?

    Listing has officially gone up. Thanks for your help, y'all. ~~W.G.455
  38. WebleyGreene455

    For Sale Rifles & Militaria

    Good afternoon, everyone. I'm trying to raise some cash for a new rifle and downsize my collection a bit, and so I've got some items up for sale here. Anything can be shipped (firearms to FFL, of course) but I'd very much like to try doing local sales to members if at all possible. PMs are open...
  39. WebleyGreene455

    Hello from Bwana Moja. Africa is NOT "The Dark Continent"

    Nah the penguins are just super energy-conscious and have masked their signature with ice-generated light-bending force fields to keep us from knowing about their secretive empire. The best part, you see, is that unlike Wakanda using vibranium, nobody cares enough about the ice to really bother...
  40. WebleyGreene455

    What a wonderful piece this is! WR .303, cased

    The price seems a tad high to me compared to seeing larger-calibre Farquharsons (but not takedowns like that) for around 1/2 what they're asking... But I still think it's pretty and wish I could own it too.
  41. WebleyGreene455

    Hello from Bwana Moja. Africa is NOT "The Dark Continent"

    Still think the Nile and Delta are the coolest part of that picture.
  42. WebleyGreene455

    Best Place to Sell Firearms etc?

    Lol nope I been here a minute. It's all good! I just never had much cause to sell before, but I've been wanting that something-extra-nice for myself and want to get a start on raising the capital to ensure it's all settled for.
  43. WebleyGreene455

    Hello from Bwana Moja. Africa is NOT "The Dark Continent"

    I don't think he got the response he was looking for and buggered off to stew in his self-superiority lol. Perhaps decrying how we racist folks on here would dare not espouse him as the greatest authority on the subject. Ah well. His loss, not ours, I think.
  44. WebleyGreene455

    Best Place to Sell Firearms etc?

    Good evening all, Re: what I'll be putting up for sale, there'll be two rifles (a third may go on the market in a few months' time) and if there's interest, some militaria and such. 1x Pedersoli reproduction of a Springfield Trapdoor cavalry carbine (.45-70). This rifle is new out of box...
  45. WebleyGreene455

    Old bullets = "fragile" ?

    Way back when jacketed bullets were still pretty new and innovative, Spain used brass-jacketed bullets in their .43 Spanish. They done turned green from verdigris and some folks suspected they were trying to make the bullets "poisonous" to infect wounds n such. Apparently they still worked...
  46. WebleyGreene455

    Old bullets = "fragile" ?

    There seems to be such a phenomenon as "season cracking", which was known to happen in British India on occasion (and likely in other places too). Apparently in copper or alloys containing copper (like brass), exposure to ammonia can cause a chemical reaction that affects the residual stress in...
  47. WebleyGreene455

    Best Place to Sell Firearms etc?

    Think I seen a few. Let's find out!
  48. WebleyGreene455

    Best Place to Sell Firearms etc?

    State of GA, USA. I'd be delighted to try for local stuff and even just know there's folks nearby! Heck I can't be the only person in my city on here... I hope...
  49. WebleyGreene455

    Best Place to Sell Firearms etc?

    Lolol well my current countertop isn't big enough anymore, at least not for the rifles. But some of the older photos I've taken for this site, those WERE on my old countertop just with a sheet down to keep the granite and the rifle separated and to have a clean background. I agree with y'all...
  50. WebleyGreene455

    Best Place to Sell Firearms etc?

    A good question! A quick search says there are a couple of auction houses here. I figured there would be in a city like this once I thought about it. One appears to be fairly upscale, very "Wealthy Southern families only, poors need not apply" vibe to it. There is one that holds a large...