Search results

  1. Lancaster

    Would you mount a Female Cape Buffalo?

    The title reminded me of a story I heard in Africa from a PH. A guy shot two baboons, a male and female. The PH knew the client liked taxidermy and so asked him 'would you like them mounted?' and the client said; 'no, just holding hands!' :)
  2. Lancaster

    RSA vote count underway

    Any change can only be an improvement, surely
  3. Lancaster

    ZIMBABWE: Zimbabwe With Buzz Charlton

    Have a great hunt. @SRvet and I are hunting with Charlton McCallum too in a couple of weeks. You trump us as you are hunting with Buzz himself and you get to take your own guns (UK have an embargo with Zim...)
  4. Lancaster

    Hats on safari

    My older cousins in Southern Africa say there is a reason that 'rednecks come from the country that gave us baseball, those caps don't keep the sun off your neck!' My younger cousins out there thought their dad's wide brimmed hats (Tilley, Akubra etc) weren't cool so they wore said baseball...
  5. Lancaster

    ZIMBABWE: Story Of The Hunt For Two Dagga Boys

    Great write up, thanks for sharing. I'm off to Zim next month on a buffalo hunt, can't wait
  6. Lancaster

    Best Quad Sticks

    I have used many different brands of quad sticks over the past 15 years or so The best by far have been Viper Flex, if you are taking them overseas get the Journey model that come apart to pack As long as you don't reverse into them in your pick up (I did) they are bomb proof The problem with...
  7. Lancaster

    Viper-Flex Shooting Sticks

    Luckily you were on hand with your Viperflexs to shoot the buck whilst I fiddled with my 4 Stable Six!!
  8. Lancaster

    PROPER Marksmanship Training

    I have guided people and accompanied friends from all over the world and I'd say it's pretty unfair to generalise, there are good and bad from all countries However, back to the OP, I could not agree more, I find in the UK at least sportsmen have had a shotgun shooting lesson but very few have...
  9. Lancaster


    I have a transfer via Munich on the way to Zagreb and have not been told I need a transit permit so am assuming I don't
  10. Lancaster


    For Lufthansa here in Europe (Manchester to Zagreb via Munich) the fees are 80 Euros each way, total 160 Euros. Some petulant girl on customer service said that the total combined measurements had to be under 158cms but that is for their standard hold baggage whereas sports equipment (think...
  11. Lancaster


    that total would rule out all pelicases, surely 158 must be the total length?
  12. Lancaster

    Buzz Charlton tuskless charge

    I have just read the chapter in Buzz's book where he talks about his choice of rifles, he said he started with a bolt action (the Ruger M77) but after a French client of his was wounded by an elephant (when a round jammed on cycling...
  13. Lancaster

    The Swarovski warranty

    The customer service and warranty compliance here in the UK for Swarvoski is first class. It is for ten years. For devices with electronic components (i.e. range finding binoculars) those elements are only five years. Although I think Swaro is the finest glass if I was buying RF again I would...
  14. Lancaster

    Thoughts on Tuskless Hunting

    I was told recently that the tuskless gene is pretty much unique to Zimbambwe, they are not common elsewhere
  15. Lancaster

    Has anyone from the UK taken a rifle to Zimbabwe for a hunt?

    Thanks, I never for one moment intimated that I would do anything illegal
  16. Lancaster

    Has anyone from the UK taken a rifle to Zimbabwe for a hunt?

    Hi Has anyone taken rifles from the UK to hunt with in Zimbabwe? If so did you apply for an export licence? If so was it a straightforward process? Evidently there has been an arms embargo in place between the UK and Zimbabwe for a number of years. Thanks in advance
  17. Lancaster

    Hello from the UK

    Hi, I'm the opposite, born in Scotland but live in England. I have stalked red deer a fair bit in Argyll. I didn't regret hunting in Africa - it was back in 2017! I then went so SA again for more cull PG in 2019. Then Covid happened. In the process of booking a buffalo hunt in Zimbabwe for June...
  18. Lancaster

    Which provinces in South Africa can you hunt Elephant? basically the private reserves bordering the Kruger National Park that have opened their fences to the Kruger. Since SanParks (the government parks body) ceased culling elephants in the Kruger in the 90s (due to short sightedly...
  19. Lancaster

    Practicing on shooting sticks

    On the two PG safaris I have been; on the PH expected me to take shots out to 300 yards. They only had tripods at the lodge and I missed a cull impala at 300 so said to limit my range to 250. I was used to quad sticks and will buy a set of these Viperflex Journey for next time as they fold down...
  20. Lancaster

    Zoom Safari... it's about to happen!

    Same (UK) and same please!
  21. Lancaster

    Hello from the UK

    All well thanks and yes, I appreciate my safari woes our very much a First World problem!!
  22. Lancaster

    Hello from the UK

    Hi S Hope you are well. A good site this, I posted on here about my first trip to Huntershill a couple of years back: I'm afraid Robin's (August) trip might now...
  23. Lancaster

    Best hunting movies Africa or otherwise

    Out of Africa is 'free' on Netflix, most of the others are £3.99 on Amazon Prime
  24. Lancaster

    Most Dangerous Game (unwounded)?

    I have asked a few PHs and Guides over the years and for unwounded they say crocs - as mentioned above you rarely find the victim (vs with hippo) followed by hippo, then elephant (esp tuskless cows and bulls in musht.)
  25. Lancaster

    A Few Things I Learned While Sharing A Camp With A Proper Londoner

    I see you have a sense of humour, well done, I wish everyone took the post in the spirit it was intended!
  26. Lancaster

    Last Minute Namibia Caprivi Hunt Safari

    I agree, if only I was retired I would snap it up.
  27. Lancaster

    Lions in South Africa in the news

    This story has made the front page of the second biggest newspaper in the UK today. It attacks hunters but actually the only incidence of hunting is a 'green hunt' where the client shoots the lion with a tranquilizer. A vet then comes to 'save' it by....tranquilizing it! Obviously us hunters...
  28. Lancaster

    Mannlicher-Schoenauer goes Africa....

    I remember reading PH Terry Irwin’s book ‘memoirs of an Africa hunter’ where he had problems with straight magazines on DG and switched to a MS for the rest of his career. I don’t think many people shot more Dangerous Game than him. At the other end of the scale my first ever rifle was a MS...
  29. Lancaster

    Practicing on shooting sticks

    My advice, if you are hunting PG is take a set of quadsticks, most deerstalkers in the UK use them now, the difference in steadyness over a tripod is incredible. I know if I was using a set I wouldn’t have missed that impala ram at 300 yards last time I was in SA! I’m the UK I use 4 plastic...
  30. Lancaster

    SOUTH AFRICA: My Hunt With Huntershill Safaris In The East Cape

    Well done! I hunted Huntershill two years back and had a great time. Looking forward to the next instalment
  31. Lancaster

    Anyone use a 6.5X55 ?

    I have one in a Sako 85 and am a fan. I have never used it in Africa but is perfect for all the deer species we have in the UK. It is the standard military calibre in many of the Nordic countries so is used to effect on thousands of wild boar and elk (what they call moose) every year.
  32. Lancaster

    Advise on my upcoming trip to Zimbabwe

    Maybe put a scope on the double?
  33. Lancaster

    Great book - Reminiscences of an Elephant Hunter by W. D. M. "Karamojo" Bell

    Thanks for the tip off, I have just bought one for £8 on Amazon
  34. Lancaster

    Can "Big Elephant" still be hunted

    I didn’t know that, but it makes sense of course.
  35. Lancaster

    ZIMBABWE: Elephant, Leopard, Cape Buffalo & Plains Game with Nyamazana Safaris

    Very enjoyable, great writing and photos, thanks for sharing
  36. Lancaster

    Can "Big Elephant" still be hunted

    Like your father you can, of course hunt the Greater Kruger on reserves like Timbavati or Klasserie. I have only been on a photographic safari in the area but there were the biggest bulls I have seen. Probably being further from the Mozambique border helps.
  37. Lancaster

    WANTED: Husband Hunt Non Hunting Wife Enjoyment

    I did a few days PG hunting at Huntershill in the Eastern Cape with my wife and 15 year old daughter last year as part of a longer trip. I was worried they would be bored but it was their favourite stop! As well as a chopper ride and orphaned baby lion to play with there was game drives, wifi...
  38. Lancaster

    Red stag hunting in Scotland

    West Highland Hunting have a very good reputation in the UK. The Head Stalker (PH) Niall (pronounced Neil) Rowantree is a well renowned expert on red deer, see the likes of . Most red deer stalking in Scotland let is on free range and on the open hill. WHH happen to have a deer park (a...
  39. Glassing Game South Africa

    Glassing Game South Africa

  40. Cape Buffalo Herd on the run

    Cape Buffalo Herd on the run

  41. Hunting Impala in South Africa

    Hunting Impala in South Africa

  42. Lancaster

    SOUTH AFRICA: Huntershill Safaris Cull Plains Game In The Eastern Cape SA

    Part III. As the sun started to really reach its zenith we returned to the lodge and headed out about 3pm ish. We headed to the lower grounds and saw a herd of cape buffalo with some really big bulls among them. I said to Lloyd that I didn’t realise there was buffalo here and (only half joking)...
  43. South Africa Hunting Blue Wildebeest

    South Africa Hunting Blue Wildebeest

  44. Hunting Area South Africa

    Hunting Area South Africa

  45. Lancaster

    SOUTH AFRICA: Huntershill Safaris Cull Plains Game In The Eastern Cape SA

    Part II After the usual photo session (which they do much better than we do here in the UK) we were able to get the bakkie near to the bull so it was a simple task to load him up and drop him back to the skinners at the larder near the lodge. As it was early November the heat was now up to about...
  46. Hunt Black Wildebeest in South Africa

    Hunt Black Wildebeest in South Africa

  47. Hunting Lodge South Africa

    Hunting Lodge South Africa

  48. Lancaster

    SOUTH AFRICA: Huntershill Safaris Cull Plains Game In The Eastern Cape SA

    Sorry, it is my first report and I can't find how to tag/label photos. The first pic is of the lodge (at 4,000 feet) and secondly of Tracker Lucas with Lloyd's dog and my Black Wildebeest bull. Part 2 will follow tomorrow.