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  1. Tanks


    Maybe not.
  2. Tanks


    I don't think Kamala Harris would be any worse than Biden. The left is already getting whatever the hell they want from Biden except for Hamas support.
  3. Tanks


    IMHO the country can recover from 4 more years of Biden, especially if it sets up a GOP surge. Biden would also not be that effective if GOP gains control of the Senate. However, a Europe dominated by Russia would be much, much harder to recover from. In my view Trump is NOT the lesser of two evils.
  4. Tanks


    This dovetails with this article from WSJ
  5. Tanks


    This, literally brought tears to my eyes. I guess the old vet can relate and vice versa.
  6. Tanks


  7. Tanks

    kruger or victoria falls

    If you haven't seen Victoria Falls, I'd recommend it.
  8. Tanks

    Practicing long crossers

    I have had lessons from Dan as recent as a couple of years ago, unfortunately he has lost most of his eyesight and no longer teaches. I take weekly Sporting Clay lessons for two hours from an instructor that Dan has trained, and it is money well spent.
  9. Tanks


    According to the anti-gun crowd anyone that wishes to own, let alone carry a firearm is irrational. So, by their logic no one should have guns. :unsure:
  10. Tanks


    I was in the UK last year to get measured for my Rigby. I was amazed at the demographics change in the last several years. UK is much browner than I remembered.
  11. Tanks


    Interesting opinion piece about the trial.
  12. Tanks


    I think you misunderstood what I said. They are out to get him, so why make it easy to prosecute him due to his actions. Nowhere, I said he deserves it.
  13. Tanks

    What do you think of the new Rigby Shikari?

    Yeah, Jerome already has a Trijicon RMR for the .500 and a Swarowski Z6i 1.7-10x40 for the .450/400 which will have claw mounts. They will regulate the .450/400 for 100 meters and the .500 for 50m. He took them to the UK himself in his luggage for me.
  14. Tanks

    Semi-Autos and Public Ranges

    I get my own bay. The range I go for 200 yards have the benches spread pretty far apart that the brass is not an issue, and it is mostly bolt guys anyway.
  15. Tanks

    What do you think of the new Rigby Shikari?

    As an owner of a couple of Heym doubles the Rigby was worth it to me. And it is not a re-badged rifle. I should have mine in my hands in about 6 months, a .500 NE with an extra set of barrels in .450/400.
  16. Tanks


    I agree. My daughter and her husband quit taking the subway, they just take a car service from work now.
  17. Tanks

    Tanzania Hunt - 10 Day 2 X Cape Buffalo & Plains Game Safari For 2 Hunters (2x1)

    Is this 2 on 1 or each hunter has his own PH?
  18. Tanks

    Politics Wonder when we will take similar actions?
  19. Tanks


    'Nuff said. We can do better, unfortunately we did not.
  20. Tanks


    I don't support the lawsuits. I do have an issue with Trump with his own resources using campaign funds to pay his attorneys. My personal opinion of these lawsuits is that the Manhattan one was a reach, even at the end the crime that elevated misdemeanors with expired statute of limitations to...
  21. Tanks


    Good. He will need it for attorneys' fees for upcoming appeals and trials. :sneaky:
  22. Tanks


    Well, for a lot of the far right it seems they pick and choose the topic where it is one's own business as they are adamant about interfering with other people's medical care choices (abortion).
  23. Tanks


    NY has the same law for convicted felons, hence that is why as a convicted felon Trump can vote in FL. Wonder if he will have to turn in his guns as at one time he had stated that he had a CCW. When he visits Trump Jr., the guns will have to be locked up as well as law states they can't be...
  24. Tanks


    Well, neither Trump nor any American President can do anything about cartels IN Mexico itself. It is not like we can do a missile or air strike on their compounds or use troops of our own on the ground. Trump could not do anything to cartels during his 4 years as President.
  25. Tanks


    I don't know, you have MAGA nutjobs talking about civil war and "fighting in the trenches" etc. on a regular basis. Better to follow procedure than be lax about it and end up with a tragedy.
  26. Tanks


    Little misleading, I think. Documents said standard policy Yes, that includes use of deadly force if required, but there was no special, "shoot-to-kill" directive. BTW, they had the same policy for Biden's Delaware house search later on.
  27. Tanks


    I look at it as my civic duty and will re-schedule if there is a conflict.
  28. Tanks


    I read the background on this story some minutes ago. It is hard to imagine such evil.
  29. Tanks


    What do you base this on? Why would this verdict change the minds of the people that would NOT have voted for Trump to begin with? I am also curious about the 20%+ black vote you cited.
  30. Tanks

    3 Year Plan

    I did the recent elephant hunts in the last 3 years with CMS in Zim and would recommend them.
  31. Tanks


    How is capitalism is "forcing" people to get in debt? Now, as you mentioned above if one can get a loan for property below the interest rate of investments then it makes sense to get a loan though with the $10K cap on deductions it is not as attractive anymore. My 28 y/o niece just bought a...
  32. Tanks


    Context? I have no idea what "it" is.
  33. Tanks

    ZIMBABWE: Zimbabwe With Buzz Charlton

    I did the exact same hunt in 2022. Had a great time and experience. If you have time left, drive to Mana pools with the crew. Edit: Just saw the pic. Nice hat. ;)
  34. Tanks

    Hearing protection for upcoming Cape Buffalo hunt

    Depending on one's budget I'd recommend in-ear custom electronic hearing protection. I have worn them 6-8 hours a day during competitions without any discomfort. Now, they also amplify sound, so it takes a bit of getting used to in the field.
  35. Tanks

    2024 Double Rifle MSRP's?

    Yep. I was ready order one two years ago. The sales guy told me 6 years if I was lucky. At 65 at the time I decided to go with the el cheapo Rigby a year later due to delivery schedule being much shorter.
  36. Tanks


    Well, without the shareholders infusing capital you would not have the hardware or the technology, so I'd say they get a say in the direction of the company. :unsure: IMHO, supply chain is more crucial than who owns a company based here in the USA. We saw that with the chip shortage and a...
  37. Tanks


    Army's new rifle is designed by Sig Sauer which is owned by a foreign company. Also, it is not like we would be importing the ammo and components from overseas. The manufacturing plants are here in the USA. In regard to "corporate greed", the company has a fiduciary responsibility to the...
  38. Tanks


    Argentine Tango is pretty popular all around the world, people hold weeklong festivals and marathons yearly. I was at another Tango Marathon in Cyprus (the island country) last year.
  39. Tanks


    I was in Antalya, Turkey for a Tango Marathon a couple of weeks ago. Among the 90 international couples that showed up there were plenty of Russians. More importantly the resort was full of Russian families, mostly those with kids between a few months and 12 years or so. Now, the Mediterranean...
  40. Tanks

    Proper Dangerous Game Rifle followup when the client can't followup?

    I prefer to do the insurance shot myself even when not needed.
  41. Tanks

    Proper Dangerous Game Rifle followup when the client can't followup?

    Based on various comments here, I doubt a lot of forum members that shoot only rat calibers like a .375 can shoot my .500 NE accurately/comfortably ;) let alone a tracker that hardly fires a rifle. So, the answer in my case is a big no.
  42. Tanks

    Kamchatka Moose Hunt - 2022

    I quit going to Mexico for vacation about a decade ago. I used to do the yearly Newport to Ensenada sailboat race until a few years ago and quit doing that as well after an incident at Ensenada.
  43. Tanks

    Kamchatka Moose Hunt - 2022

    The only issue I have with a Russian hunt is that they might decide that they need more American hostages and arrest more people.
  44. Tanks


    If they replace Biden with someone else other than Kamala or another black politician then Democrats will lose the black vote. That was the deal Biden made, a black female to succeed him. Unless he gets a stroke or something I doubt he will be replaced without his consent. At this point he...
  45. Tanks


    I wonder if they will try to blame Israel.
  46. Tanks

    Round Chambered…or Not?

    One time I was charged by an elephant the PH was blocked by his tracker. I was the one that stopped it at about 15 yards.
  47. Tanks

    Round Chambered…or Not?

    No way in hell I would hunt with a Ranger that has a loaded rifle. I make sure at the beginning of each hunt that the Ranger has an unloaded gun. An AK-47 round is just going to piss off an elephant or a buffalo not to mention he/she would most likely shoot us then the animal. Heck, I don't...
  48. Tanks


    Chart is correct. Average and total for the year is less in 2020 than 2019 if you drill down. Main reason was Covid and work at home policies that reduced demand. Still, it did not get cut by half when Biden took over. :unsure: I don't care for Biden and his policies. That being said, he does...
  49. Tanks

    Round Chambered…or Not?

    ^^^ This. I will not hunt DG with an empty rifle, and have never been asked either. Usually load up once off the truck and unload prior to getting back to the truck. Also, way too much noise loading the rifle to do it during the stalk, noise carries. Now, on RSA game farms it might not be an...
  50. Tanks


    Actually, 2020 was less than 2019.