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  1. Sue Tidwell

    A few more pics from SCI of AH people, etc

    Here are a few AH members and a few other pics that I thought were worth noting because of the story behind them. Sorry that I forgot to take pictures of all the AH people . It was a little crazy at times. And, a huge thank you to all AH members who stopped by to say hello and/or buy a book. I...
  2. Sue Tidwell

    Skull reproductions, taxidermy, and artwork from SCI

    Sorry it took me so long to post these. There was a LOT that I missed. I was pretty much glued to the booth and had little time to explore. SCI was a blast....but it WIPED me out! This is a saber tooth replica Prehistoric cave bear gorilla This is a polar bear I think
  3. Sue Tidwell

    WIN One of Three CRIES of the Savanna Book by Multi-award-winning Author Sue Tidwell in a Random Drawing Giveaway

    Hi Everyone! Although many on this website are seasoned safari hunters, I invite you to enter the CRIES if the Savanna book giveaway to rediscover Africa through the eyes of a greenhorn experiencing its wonder, magnificence — and peril — for the first time. …AND, for those dreaming of Africa...
  4. Sue Tidwell

    Gray's Sporting Journal Review for Cries of the Savanna and Mike Arnold's Bringing Back the Lions

    Woohoo! It was awesome to see Gray’s Sporting Journal stand up for hunting in Africa and include a two-page review for Cries of the Savanna and Mike Arnold’s book Bringing Back the Lions. There are so many American hunters who do not fully understand the importance of hunting African...
  5. Sue Tidwell

    I'm Sorry.....I just have to post this! Another Anti-hunter turned! YAY!!!!

    It was already enjoying the evening reminiscing about Tarzan (thanks to the Tarzan video and post by @Jfet.) Then I went to my Goodreads account which I RARELY do and found this AMAZING REVIEW! Another anti-hunter changed. YAY! Rick is in Seattle so I have no one to share my excitement with. So...
  6. Sue Tidwell

    "The WidowMaker" - Excerpt From CRIES Of The Savanna

    I thought you might like to read another excerpt from Cries of the Savanna. I hope you enjoy! "Racing through the mixed savanna scrublands, I dodged acacia trees and thorn-covered bushes, trying desperately to stay on Mgogo’s heels. Raphael and Rick were somewhere ahead of us. Whether it was 10...
  7. Sue Tidwell

    It Shouldn't Happen by Kevin Robertson

    Talk about a page-turner! Kevin Robertson’s It Shouldn’t Happen is just that. The entire book chronicling his adventures and misadventures as a PH and veterinarian had me enthralled, laughing out loud, or both the entire book. Like the title says, the book talks about events that could only...
  8. Sue Tidwell

    Gale: Hypocrisy On Speed

    I’m not sure if I’m posting this article correctly but the above link is the response to the lies told in the article listed below, crucifying a British trophy hunter and his family. It infuriates me that these people are not held accountable for printing such blatant lies and the spread of such...
  9. Sue Tidwell

    So exciting! I just received this Amazon review from an Anti-hunter!

    THIS is WHY I wrote Cries of the Savanna! While I am thrilled that hunters like the book, my entire goal was to take non-hunters and/or anti-hunters on a grand adventure that would expose them to the truth of conservation in Africa. I can’t tell you how rewarding it is to learn that the book...
  10. Sue Tidwell

    One of my favorite reviews of CRIES of the Savanna! Thanks member nickfasciano!

    Note: Nick @nickfasciano posted in this in my introduction feed but I wanted to share it here in the book section as well. I hope that is okay. "Wonderful book in every way. I'm not sure how she did it, but Sue managed to write a book about hunting in Africa that I would be equally comfortable...
  11. Sue Tidwell

    The year 2022 was one for the books….literally!

    The year 2022 was one for the books….literally![0]=AZW4CMgRlfIebzzBfJVHNpNcrnSer429La4iJ60DQz_CXJCBZvV3Jj7TWow6_L9smvm3D6Jdaz880 Four book awards; features in articles and podcasts; meeting amazing people, @shehunts skills...
  12. Sue Tidwell

    "Nature Crime: Animal Rights and the Fate of Africa's Wildlife" by Glen Martin

    Game Changer is not an exciting hunting adventure or anything like that, but it is a great book that makes an excellent case for why the “disneyization” of wildlife will lead to its downfall. It’s well worth the read, especially for anyone in your life who is opposed to hunting. In the book...
  13. Sue Tidwell

    The Best Ever Food Review Show

    Here is another video by Sonny Side of The Best Ever Food Review Show. It again highlights how all the meat in Africa is used etc. He has over 9.5 million subscribers, so this is wonderful that it will reach so many people.
  14. Sue Tidwell

    Finished reading "Bringing back the lions" by Mike Arnold

    For anyone interested, Here is my Amazon review for Bringing Back the Lions: "A must-read for anyone who loves wildlife and Africa! This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to have a deeper understanding of what it takes for SUCCESSFUL wildlife conservation. The book was extra special to...
  15. Sue Tidwell

    Darn Darn Triple Darn! So Close….But Yet So Far!

    At 7:45 this morning (December 26), we got an excited call from our son-in-law, who lives 300 yards from us: “Are those wolves in the pasture above your Mom’s?”. Rick got out his spotting scope and, sure enough, 5 blackish gray wolves were laying in the field about his Mom’s cattle pasture….1 ½...
  16. Sue Tidwell

    The Magical Invisible Line - Our First Cape Buffalo Hunt

    Here's a little story about Rick's first Cape buffalo hunt in Tanzania. This took place in the morning of the first day of our very first African safari. I'm sure a lot of you can relate to the outcome of this hunt! "…Mgogo lurched forward, tapping Raphael on the shoulder, immediately spurring...
  17. Sue Tidwell

    I'm not sure what Frosty did to deserve this pummeling! LOL! Merry Christmas Everyone
  18. Sue Tidwell

    Book: Bringing Back the Lions by Mike Arnold

    YAY, I my copy of Bringing Back the Lions by Mike Arnold just arrived…and I can’t wait to learn more about the magnificent work of Mark Haldene, Zambezi Delta Conservation, Cabelas, and the many other people involved in “Bringing Back the Lions.” I have been following this amazing story on...
  19. Sue Tidwell

    A Battalion Of Miniature Vampires With Wings- My First Taste Of African Wildlife!

    A few forum members were hoping I had some stories to share so I figured I’d start with my very first impression of African WILDLIFE. I’m wondering who among you can relate?! Rungwa West Game Reserve, Tanzania. “As we stepped from the bush plane, we were slammed with a wall of heat even worse...
  20. Sue Tidwell

    Hi Everyone! I'm Sue from Idaho..and hopelessly addicted to Africa!

    Several years ago, I “reluctantly” accompanied my husband on a big game hunting safari in remote Tanzania. The adventure literally changed my life! Listening to the haunting cries of lions and hyenas outside our tent was terrifying. Let’s just say the single cot my husband was sleeping on got...