Search results

  1. Jetjockey

    Fitch and Leedes Tonic

    I’m at home reminiscing about my last safari and dreaming of my next safari, that of course requires a proper Gin and Tonic. Problem is, I’m out of Fitch and Leedes and can’t seem to purchase it from Amazon anymore. This Schweppes tonic just isn’t doing it for me. Anyone know when F&L will...
  2. Jetjockey

    Reasonably priced good US African Taxidermy

    So, I’m OCD and I’m slowly planning my next trip to Africa. My animals just arrived at the taxidermist who does phenomenal work, but is expensive. I’m looking at $13-14k for 4 shoulder mounts (buff, kudu, waterbuck, puku) and a zebra rug. I’d like to find a good taxidermist who can do things...
  3. Jetjockey

    Africa prices?

    So, I’m still making “payments” for my Zambia Hunt last year. I finally got my trophy’s back to the US and made my 50% payment for taxidermy. I really, really want to go back ASAP, but our Zambia hunt wasn’t cheap. I basically paid $18k for a 10 day hunt (hunt and concession fees), I had $12k...
  4. Jetjockey

    Kudu Skin Wanted To Make Something For The Wife

    My trophy’s just hit the US and are at the taxidermy. I’m going to do a shoulder mount in the kudu but was thinking it would be cool do have something made for my wife with the rest. Thinking hand bag, jacket, etc. Any ideas?
  5. Jetjockey

    1 shot kills

    So, my treadmill and elliptical have TV screens that I can watch YouTube on. In the hours of shear boredom trying to get in shape, I watch Africa hunting videos. What I’m amazed of, is all the hunts that required 2nd shots due to poor shot placement. Now, I’m not going to say I’m the best...
  6. Jetjockey

    A good friend whose a lefty needs two guns!

    I’ve got a buddy who’s wife just won him a 10 day hunting trip in RSA. He has a couple decent rifles, but non are African style rifles, and I believe they are all Semi-auto. The problem is he is a lefty. He found what looks to be a very nice new Sako 85 30-06 in left hand, and an older Sako...
  7. Jetjockey

    Need help with trophy/gun room ideas

    I think I’m going to pull the trigger and finished my gun/trophy room, or as my wife and daughters call it, the library. I don’t have a lot of space, and want to make sure I do it correctly. The plan is some type of wood (walnut, cherry, pine, et) beams, wainscot, gun cabinets on each side of...
  8. Jetjockey

    Which country and where for big Buffalo?

    I’m sure this has been rehashed many times, but my goal is to start saving now so I can hunt buff again in 5-6 years. I’d also like to take a sable or an oryx. This will be my 2nd buff hunt, as I took an old 38” buff with decent drop and bosses in Zambia this year. On my next hunt, I don’t...
  9. Jetjockey

    ZAMBIA: Back From The Luangwa In Zambia

    Life is starting to slow down again after my first hunt in Zambia with Johny DuPlooy. My Father in Law and I hunted 10 days with him at the Nyakolwe Camp in the Luangwa valley. We had an absolute ball and I harvested some nice animals, not to mention Johny is an absolute riot and a blast to...
  10. Jetjockey

    Zambia Buffalo hunt Chifunda expectations

    We are a little less than 1 year away from a 10 day buff/plains game hunt in the Chifunda concession of the Luangwa valley. This will be my first Buffalo hunt, and I’m wondering what my expectation should be on what size buff to hold out for? I know there are big Buffalo there, but are they...