Search results

  1. Silence

    Problems with my hippo skull

    Hi there! I have a question - my hippo skull finally arrived, with the tusks seperate from the skull. My problem is: I cannot get the big tusks in the lower jaw... the main part should be, of course, inside of the jaw, but no matter how hard I try I can not get the tusk around the curving in...
  2. Silence

    SOUTH AFRICA: ZIMBABWE: 4 Times In A Row With Cape Town Hunting Safaris

    I´m always reading all the great hunting reports, so now it´s my turn! Over the last years I became an addict, but lets start from the beginning: 2013 – First African Hunting Experience Never thought about hunting in Africa – or even travelling there. The hunting I do in Germany is for food or...
  3. Silence

    SOUTH AFRICA: Plains Game Hunt With Lianga Safaris

    Hello everyone, maybe some remember, at the beginning of the year I won a free hunt at Lianga Safaris for 1 hunter and 1 observer! Now me and Markus are back from the trip and wanted to share our experience with Lianga Safaris. It was a wonderful trip! But let´s start from the beginning...
  4. Silence

    Animal you wouldn't hunt

    In a discussion with other hunters I often hear what they could never ever hunt because of various emotional reasons. A good friend of mine is a horse rider and could not shoot at a zebra, it´s too much like a horse. An other hunting pal of me hates seeing hunting pictures of baboons or...
  5. Silence

    Mounting giraffe

    Hi! I´ve been on some hunting trips in South Africa but have - till now - only plains game displayed as shoulder mounts. I like the idea of hunting giraffe, such magnificent creatures... but I´m allready running out of space in my rented appartement in the city... Are there any ideas to mount...