Search results

  1. JPbowhunter

    Ideas for skins/leather

    G'day, I'm moving away from taxidermy as it's becoming too expensive locally, I'm getting what will probably be one of my last done at the moment and it's the price of an NZ hunt just about. I also like that I can pick up my euros and still play around with them rather than being a static 3D...
  2. JPbowhunter

    Looking for outfitters

    Hi, Firstly, please note that this is not designed to be a debate thread. I'm all for people doing what floats their boat, this is simply what floats mine. I have spent probably 12 months really toing and froing about what to do in 2021, somewhere between burning my Wyoming preference points...
  3. JPbowhunter

    AUSTRALIA: Sunrise In The Outback

    Some pics of a recent outback pig hunt. Beautiful part of the world.
  4. JPbowhunter

    Biltong advice

    G'day, Question for the locals on the forum. I'm going to have a crack at Biltong, the only thing that seems inconsistent in recipes is that some say put a few sprinkles of vinegar on the meat while others suggest basically soaking it in vinegar for a few hours. Any advice is appreciated.
  5. JPbowhunter

    Hog/boar/pig gun

    G'day all, Just got back from an outback pig hunt. One thing I learned is that the country and hunting is tough on your rifles so I've decided for our next hunt (Jan 2020) i want to have a dedicated pig rifle that I don't mind getting banged and Our main styles of hunting are stalking...
  6. JPbowhunter

    Fake posters

    G'day guys, Probably one for admins but figured I'd see if others agreed or not. As some of you will have seen from my own threads I'm keen on hunting africa in a couple of years if i can find the hunt for me. Part of what i do in searching is read hunt reports and operator threads...
  7. JPbowhunter

    Hunt Options

    G'day all, Haven't been on the forum much last few months but it hasn't stopped me thinking about hunting abroad any less. I'm still keen on a hunt for 2021 but just can't decide on what to do. My ideas are - Africa focused on free range eland tracking type hunt (probably no.1) - back pack...
  8. JPbowhunter

    RWS Uni Classic

    G'day, Got an upcoming pig hunt and needed some ammo for my 9.3x62. I was trying to get some PPU soft nose but had to drive 3 1/2 hours to get it. The local gunshop only had RWS UNI classic 293gn boxes but the guy said because they move so slowly if I bought the few boxes they had left I could...
  9. JPbowhunter

    AUSTRALIA: Lend A hand

    One of my favourite things to do is get new hunters into the game. I grew up in a pretty heavily game meat focused house. We never had much so it was the best way to get meat too I suppose. Venison steaks, rabbit stew, braised duck, boiled yabbies were pretty standard day to day. When we moved...
  10. JPbowhunter

    Open sight hunters

    G'day all, Just curious to see if there are any other passionate iron/open sight hunters out there. Like many I spose, I learnt to shoot open sights with a brno model 2 open sight 22lr and always with a shotgun. As I got into big game hunting we just automatically moved to scopes. With that...
  11. JPbowhunter

    South Africa provinces

    Hi guys, I'm sure it's here but can't find it. Can someone please lay out the differences in SA provinces in terms of species hunted and terrain? I've no idea of what's where and I feel it would help in determining where I should look if I decide on SA. cheers,
  12. JPbowhunter

    AUSTRALIA: Red Stag Quest

    Unfortunately I don't have time for a lengthy report and there's not too much mulch to say. Tried a new spot this morning that I hadn't hunted previously. Wife brought the young fella into bed early as he has croup and isn't a happy camper. I ended up staying to settle him and didn't get away...
  13. JPbowhunter

    How do you afford Africa?

    G'day all, Like many I want to get to africa to hunt after developing a love from books and stories read over the year. I read lots of hunting books as a kid (never had interest in kids books) but one book my dad bought me when I was maybe 13 that had all types of africa hunting in it struck...
  14. JPbowhunter

    Trophy Hunting In Africa: The Case For Viable, Sustainable Alternatives

    Another "unbiased" hunting article in Australia. Aside from all the parts of the article that the author doesn't understand or is simply incorrect. What really bothers me is the neo colonialism attitude that western countries feel they can dictate how another country manages it's natural...
  15. JPbowhunter

    AUSTRALIA: PB Fallow Buck

    I generally don't post trophy pics online but i really enjoy this forum. Unfortunately I only have bad pics to put up of this fella for now. Shot last year at the beginning of beginning the rut. 30 points and 31 1/2" long. For me a trophy of a lifetime.
  16. JPbowhunter

    Cz 550 Roulette

    G'day fellas, Curious as I've read lots of varying opinions regarding cz 550s. As people who followed my build would know i ended up with a cz 550 after never originally having an interest in owning one. Must say i love it and it performs flawlessly. I have seen that many people have issues...
  17. JPbowhunter

    Affordable plains game countries

    Just curious, RSA and Namibia are the first to come to mind and into conversation when talking about affordable to the average joe. Are there any other comparable countries or does it jump significantly from those two to any others for PG hunts? Stressing the non DG hunts part as these are out...
  18. JPbowhunter

    AUSTRALIA: Fallow Deer Hunting Australia

    April is the rut for fallow in the southern hemisphere. Managed to get out for a bit of a look. Doe called the young buck into 5m before he saw me. The big fella croaking was hanging around a hot doe, didn't have my rifle on me as it was in the middle of the day and just took the camera...
  19. JPbowhunter

    275 Rigby build

    G'day all, Haven't been around for a while, between having our first baby and working on our house I've been kept busy lately! Just wanted to say a thanks to everyone that helped with suggestions for my 275 rigby build. I've had it for a few months now and so far she's accounted for 4 deer...
  20. JPbowhunter

    One hell of a dog

    I've been laid up since last night with a bout of food poisoning, fever broke a couple hours ago so just dealing with a rough stomach now. Missus reckons it's apparently not a good thing to eat warm yoghurt sitting in my ute for a couple of hours. I'd probably agree going forward. Anyway, my 5...
  21. JPbowhunter

    Norma Oryx effective range

    G'day, I mentioned this in another post but figured it could use its own thread. What are peoples experience with the oryx round in terms of effective range and susceptibility to wind drift. I'm currently working up some loads for my 275 rigby, and have a mountain hunt coming up mid...
  22. JPbowhunter

    Australian football grandfinal

    G'day all, We're an hour from the opening bounce of Australia's AFL grandfinal. Perths west coast eagles playing against Melbournes collingwood magpies for the 2018 grandfinal (our version of superbowl). Now i am a pies supporter and I wouldn't want to influence anyone, but for a bit of...
  23. JPbowhunter

    7x57 for big game

    G'day all, I'm interested to know of some suggestions people have for 7x57 projectiles that can handle bigger thick skinned game. Not suggesting it as a great DG gun but I am interested in what it's capable of. I was thinking rhino shank 170gn but the feedback I've received suggests they're...
  24. JPbowhunter

    AUSTRALIA: Young Red Meat Hunt

    Went out for a hunt with my brother, managed to take this nice young meat animal. 210m shot through both lungs put him down quickly. Had eye fillet and heart for tea. Brother wanted to do the carry out so i didn't argue!
  25. JPbowhunter

    404 jeffery build

    G'day guys, On the back of a previous thread i have done and since guys here convinced me to build a 275 rigby rather than buying one I've become a little addicted to the idea of making a rifle. It wouldn't be straight away but I narrowed my next calibre which will be a bigger one to either a...
  26. JPbowhunter

    Belt ammo pouch

    Gday guys, I've been looking for a belt ammo pouch that holds 5 to 10 rounds for my 275 rigby. Given the type of mountain hunting i do I'm thinking of going with one that has a closing top, though I'd consider anything. Definitely want leather, might yet get initials engraved though I don't...
  27. JPbowhunter

    Bang for buck species

    G'day guys, I'm curious to get some opinions from some of the african hunting veterans here about hunting africa. My wife and i have been talking lately about it a bit, in a couple years I'll be 30 and am thinking i might do a big trip for it. It'll either be to the states or to Africa. I...
  28. JPbowhunter

    Leopard Trophy Hunting – Let’s Talk Numbers

    Leopard trophy hunting – let’s talk numbers Opinion post: Written by Simon Espley, CEO of Africa Geographic I will keep this short and sweet, because my message is not difficult to comprehend. So, our Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) has brought back trophy hunting quotas for...
  29. JPbowhunter

    Mild large bore

    First of all I'm starting to hate this forum all i do these days is look up African hunting and large bore rifles, feel like my little bank account will be hanging in the red! All this talk of cals has me wondering. I'm very much an average joe, i dont have the money for DG hunts and are not...
  30. JPbowhunter

    New calibre hitting the market

    You might have to convert the article to english. Interesting though the 10.3x68 mag. Read somewhere else its ballistics can vary between a 30-06 and a 416 depending on what you run through it. Anyone got one yet?
  31. JPbowhunter

    The Great Australian Buffalo Hunt

    Here's a link to the buff culling days. All done with 308 The Great Australian Buffalo Hunt by JPbowhunter posted Jul 24, 2018 at 12:08 AM
  32. JPbowhunter

    Does this hunt exist

    Like many i have always been attracted to the romance of hunting Africa and have said one day i would like to hunt there. What worries me is that there really isn't a hunt that exists that would suit me and that I'll never end up going. I'm just a working stiff with a wife a baby and a...
  33. JPbowhunter

    CZ Brno Express 9.3x74r U/O

    Gday, Curious what folks know about this rifle? I think it's pretty brand spanking new in australia and retailing for under $3k. Not the prettiest rifle but doesn't seem terrible. Im not in the market as i am currently having my 275 rigby put together but i have said the last gun for my safe...
  34. JPbowhunter

    Whisky appreciation

    Not sure how many other whisky lovers there are here but I am one of them. Do a bit of writing occasionally for a few hunting magazines and nothing is a better accompaniment to writing than a nice dram.
  35. JPbowhunter

    Congrats to the next generation

    My youngest brother (From the old man's second marriage) recently took his first stag hunting solo. The old man has been busy with work and younger siblings last few years so I've been putting a lot of time into teaching my youngest brother what I know in the art of hunting. Very proud to see...
  36. JPbowhunter

    Favourite book passages

    From a hunting perspective the last paragraph of Jim Corbetts maneaters of kumaon is one of my favorites. Perhaps only second to another of his. Always interested in hearing words others enjoy reading.
  37. JPbowhunter

    Norma Oryx experience

    Gday all, Not yet set but I'm leaning towards trying the 156gn Norma oryx for my soon to be 275 Rigby. I've had no experience with them before but interested in hearing other people's thoughts on the round and how they have performed in any calibre. Cheers
  38. JPbowhunter

    And a handful we've taken

    All my hunting is with my younger brothers
  39. JPbowhunter

    A wee bit if Aussie photography

    Seems to be limiting the number of pics I can throw up, but this is out hunting in Australia
  40. JPbowhunter

    7x57 manufacturers

    Gday all, Looking for some suggestions on 7x57 manufacturers, I'm having a nightmare trying to pin some down. Preferably with open sights. So far this is what I've got for the Aussie market: Winchester discontinued it Cz discontinued it Schultz & larsen are up to a 12 month wait So far I...
  41. JPbowhunter

    Open sight manufacturers

    Gday guys, Long story short I'm in the market to get myself a 7x57 with open sights. I initially wanted to get an older Brno model or even cz 550 but they're rarer than hen's teeth in Australia. I'm now thinking of getting a Schultz and larsen hunter traveller. The only thing is they come...
  42. JPbowhunter

    G'day from Aus

    G'day lads, I'm 22 and have been hunting my whole life. Do a bit of fishing and hunting foxes and hares with my running dogs but mostly just a mad keen big game hunter, especially deer. I've been pretty lucky to have taken some really nice trophy animals already and I look forward to all the...