Recent content by Woodcarver

  1. Woodcarver

    Pay It Forward-Free

    Thank you! I'll poke around the reloading room tomorrow instead of doing what I need to do and find something to post up. That's a better excuse than what I had before....
  2. Woodcarver

    Purchases On AH References

    The same goes for you sir. It was a pleasure to meet you.
  3. Woodcarver

    Tonight’s project

    I just added the "5th" leg to my Gunstix quad sticks. They are as solid as a bench, but a lot more portable. Also adjustable from standing to sitting.
  4. Woodcarver

    Tipping Guide

    If tipping is listed as mandatory, it is not a tip, but part of the base price. Tips are for service above & beyond the basic service owed to the customer.
  5. Woodcarver

    6.5-300 Wby performance in Africa?

    I've never had a bullet bounce back at me out of an animal, and that hole is exactly where I was aiming before it became a hole. That is the entrance wound; there was no exit.
  6. Woodcarver

    DNR detonates deer stands

    There would be no det cord to take a picture of after the fact either, not sure what the yellow rope is. Overkill for sure, but what govt agency doesn't use that principal....
  7. Woodcarver


  8. Woodcarver


    Where would the capital move to if DC becomes a state? By the Constitution, it cannot reside inside any state's boundaries. That is why the DC exists.
  9. Woodcarver


  10. Woodcarver


    As Ron White likes to say, "You can't fix stupid"
  11. Woodcarver

    on a lighter note...

    And people wonder how "stereotypes" get started, :ROFLMAO: