Recent content by Solitaire

  1. Solitaire

    80th anniversary of D Day....6th june 1944

    Just one word from France : MERCI ! God bless USA
  2. Solitaire

    Favorite 7mm Rem Mag factory ammo for elk

    +1 for the TBBC 175gr, works great in my Steyr-Mannlicher .... but don't exist no more in Europ !
  3. Solitaire

    BURKINA FASO Hunting Information

    I don't know only one camp operating today , and even it was, what to hunt after years of free poaching ... I agree, it's over .
  4. Solitaire

    French or Belgium Roebuck hunting?

    Hi all from France, The season for Roebuck in France begin on 1st of June, the best period is mid July after the full moon, beginning of the rut. Acteon is a good way to go in the South.
  5. Solitaire


    Done of course, and many thanks to all of you from France
  6. Solitaire

    Favorite game to eat on your safari

    My best : Eland in Namibia
  7. Solitaire

    Hunting: In Namibia, The Trophies That Create Discord

    Help the conservation effort In this critical situation, encumbering the debate on the hunt with peremptory formulas of a city-dweller and satisfied, appears to be a risky gamble in the long term. Last February, a scientific study devoted to the effects of trophy hunting and published on One...
  8. Solitaire

    Hunting: In Namibia, The Trophies That Create Discord

    Private and inhabited reserves, like Philip's, there are nearly a hundred in Nambia. They testify to the qualities of this model where the fauna subsists while including men in protected lands. The black wildebeest that Erik hunted, for example, is classified as "Least Concern" by the IUCN and...
  9. Solitaire

    Hunting: In Namibia, The Trophies That Create Discord

    Self proclaimed sanctuary of so-called ethical hunting with Botswana, this country in southwest Africa is the only one on the continent where a hunter can (legally) obtain permits to hunt the famous "big five": Lion, Leopard, Elephant, Rhinoc & ros and Cape Buffalo. Such a project would require...
  10. Solitaire

    Hunting: In Namibia, The Trophies That Create Discord

    Thanks a lot for the job you've done !
  11. Solitaire

    Hunting: In Namibia, The Trophies That Create Discord

    3 pages to come ... have a good night ... it's 11pm here in France :ROFLMAO::whistle:
  12. Solitaire

    Hunting: In Namibia, The Trophies That Create Discord

    And then there is the "canned hunt". Sinister process where animals are raised in captivity, stripped of their wild nature, and released into enclosures to be slaughtered by lazy hunters wishing to free themselves from the investment, time, and especially the risk of hunting a real lion in full...
  13. Solitaire

    Hunting: In Namibia, The Trophies That Create Discord

    To ban or not to ban? “Whether to ban hunting is a stupid question,” resumed Erik. “What must be determined is what forms of hunting ... of which animals and under what conditions ... they should be fought or regulated ". Because anyone who works in the conservation of wildlife in Africa knows...
  14. Solitaire

    Hunting: In Namibia, The Trophies That Create Discord

    A $ 12,000 trip Like thousands of other hunters every year, Erik traveled to Namibia last April to exercise his passion. A trip he organized with two of his friends and for which he saved for a long time. "I only travel to hunt, the rest, that bothers me" he proclaims! Exceptionally, he accepted...
  15. Solitaire

    Hunting: In Namibia, The Trophies That Create Discord

    Thanks for Google tanslator ..... but I'm writing in french before, I'm not so good in english ....