Recent content by Petey J

  1. Petey J

    on a lighter note...

    This is why I make coffee at home. Because I would make it a true statement. Me every morning when the first drink of coffee as black as sin and strong enough to bend nails crosses my lips, “mmmm, tasty, tasty no-murder juice.”
  2. Petey J

    Sporting Clays - Caesar Guerini Summit Sporting

    Just throwing a couple things out. I believe Grace Callahan, who is a very high level women’s clay shooter is doing so with a Caesar Guerini. She’s the only one who pops to mind (I’m not a competitive shooter, but spend a lot of time listening to sporting clays podcasts). If you’re looking for...
  3. Petey J

    on a lighter note...

    Literally happened to me tonight…and I’d just moved it to that drawer because it was causing problems in a different drawer, taking up too much space. Took 5 minutes to get that drawer opened. At least the masher was the actual tool I wanted.
  4. Petey J

    on a lighter note...

    Oh. My. Gawd! It’s Mrs. Gollum!
  5. Petey J

    CRF vs Push feed

    If you go to the Midway USA YouTube channel, and watch Larry Potterfield’s videos on his “nearly perfect safari rifle,” you’ll see him use a push feed action. His reasoning is was that when he looked in his safe, most of his rifles were push feed. It’s what he knew, had experience with, and was...
  6. Petey J

    Good Gun Deals This Week

    Somebody should buy this so I can’t. Right now, it looks like a steal, unless I’m missing something. My understanding is the Griffen and Howe side mounts are very good.
  7. Petey J

    Help! Can't find the hidden leopard photo

    That’s a really good one, too.
  8. Petey J

    Help! Can't find the hidden leopard photo

    YES! That’s the one I was thinking about. Thank you so much. Again, I’m sorry to bet “that guy.”
  9. Petey J

    Help! Can't find the hidden leopard photo

    I hate to be this person, but I distinctly remember a photo that was posted a year or 2 or 3 ago of a leopard, up against a rock cut like a high creek bank, that was virtually impossible to see. I have tried searching for it probably two dozen different ways, all to no avail. Is there anybody...
  10. Petey J

    on a lighter note...

    I Feel that I need to go hunting more often. I FEEL that I don't hunt enough.
  11. Petey J

    Age of first African hunting trip

    This thread has made me feel so much better about myself. At 41, and never having been to Africa, but dreaming about it for over a decade, I was beginning to think it will never happen. But I would say I’m not even up to the average. Hopefully I’ll get there before I’m 45 (previous goal was 40...
  12. Petey J

    Maybe I am doing something right

    I am at home for a couple weeks of paternity leave after my wife and I welcomed our son to the world, joining his older sisters (4 and 2). We’re all lounging in the Den, and I turn on a YouTube video of Cape Buffalo Hunting. The 4 year old sees the thumbnail, and exclaims “Oh yeah, the BULL!”...
  13. Petey J

    DSC Convention Moving to GA

    Just saw this on social media. DSC Convention is moving to Atlanta for 2025-2029.
  14. Petey J

    on a lighter note...

    I’m a living history reenactor. One of the groups I belong to has an annual winter camp in northern Wisconsin in February. We stay in a lodge at a youth camp. It does not have actual heat, only a fire place at one end, and we move in a crappy electric furnace a the other end. There is no running...