Recent content by Newboomer

  1. Newboomer

    Any other Cheese lovers here?

    Prima Della makes a good pepperjack. Walmart carries it.
  2. Newboomer

    Any other Cheese lovers here?

    Coastal is a good hearty British cheddar with a bite.
  3. Newboomer

    shooting 375 H/H

    It may rattle your teeth when practicing but in the field you won't hear or feel it. A 375HH recoil is more of a push than a jab like others. Get a Past Recoil Shield and you're good to go. A Win 70 Safari Express at about 10 lbs is just about ideal. The King of Rifles for anything from mice to...
  4. Newboomer

    Would you mount a Female Cape Buffalo?

    I have a bull buf shoulder mount and had plans to go for a cow. Covid killed that trip(no pun intended). I had even built a custom wide pedestal to mount them side by side.
  5. Newboomer


    "Those who give up some freedom for security receive neither."
  6. Newboomer


    Me?? HELL, NO. Bidumdum was never fit for anything. A fool elected by fools.
  7. Newboomer

    Oh Jeez, what happened?

    My WAG: Not fully brazed. If you shoot it could the barrels separate and cause real problems?
  8. Newboomer


    Bastard's probably behind the whole thing.
  9. Newboomer


    If it needs to be tweaked it ain't working.
  10. Newboomer

    on a lighter note...

    Boat: Object in the water into which you pour money.
  11. Newboomer

    Memorial Day

    May their memory never fade.
  12. Newboomer

    Memorial Day

    I shed an unabashed tear in rememberance and gratitude.
  13. Newboomer

    In praise and defense of Wood & Blue

    Amen to wood and steel. I have that, laminates, and synthetics but the overriding favorite is wood and steel. Just has much more personality and feel.
  14. Newboomer

    Memorial Day

    "Freedom is not free. I paid for it,"from a 30+ year veteran. Remember all who wore a uniform. They (we) gave us what we have.
  15. Newboomer

    on a lighter note...

    Same bear . Check the scar over his right eye.