Recent content by flat8

  1. flat8

    Rolex- the stupidest, lamest company

    Had to chime in on this one because I’m a watch guy. Love my Explorer. Perfect under-the-radar Rolex. Also own a few from Cartier, Grand Seiko, Omega, Breitling, JLC, Sinn & others. My point - Rolex makes a great watch. I’m glad I have one, and do wear my Explorer more than any of my other...
  2. flat8

    A Covid read for our Canadian friends

    You are free to live your life cowering in the corner. I won’t stop you. But the problem is that it seems that you (and those who share your views) wont be content unless I am forced into that corner with you. Sorry, that’s not an option.
  3. flat8

    South africa travel ban?

    I'm watching this closely. I'm debating booking a hunt for late March.....
  4. flat8

    Covid: Africa travel Restrictions / Flight Suspensions over Omicron variant

    It’s time for everyone to stop listening and complying to these fools. Full stop. Don’t give them another day of your life.
  5. flat8

    COVID vaccination required by Safari Company or not, your suggestion

    I'll chime in on this again with my personal experience. Once it became widely understood that vaccinated and unvaccinated carry similar viral loads, then in became a risk equation for me personally and for my family. As relatively fit, middle aged guy, I felt the increasingly known risk of...
  6. flat8

    First rifle for a 7 year old?

    Greetings - I'm looking for a rifle for my son's 7th birthday. Two questions, is this too young? He has very good judgment for a kid his age, and we constantly preach gun safety in our home. Of course, the weapon would be stored in our safe unless he's out with me. Second question, I've decided...
  7. flat8

    COVID vaccination required by Safari Company or not, your suggestion

    @Longwalker - Hard fact: Its obvious based on your comment that you don’t know the science. You don’t know me, but I promise you that I can run circles around you on this issue. I agree that ‘choices have consequences,’ but those consequences should not be dictated by people who are unwilling to...
  8. flat8

    COVID vaccination required by Safari Company or not, your suggestion

    I’d like to respectfully ask one question of all of those that are in favor of universal vaccination. If the vaccine works, and you have received it, why do you care what others choose to do?
  9. flat8

    COVID vaccination required by Safari Company or not, your suggestion

    @PHOENIX PHIL - good points. My main question is why the dismissal of natural immunity? If you’ve had Covid, the likelihood is that you are at least, if not far more, protected from acquiring the virus or spreading the virus. And yet this is rarely even considered in the rush to get a shot in...
  10. flat8

    COVID vaccination required by Safari Company or not, your suggestion

    I agree. But that wasn’t my question.
  11. flat8

    COVID vaccination required by Safari Company or not, your suggestion

    @Longwalker, I respectfully ask what you think of natural immunity? Should a person who has already had COVID be forced to take a vaccine if they don’t wish to be ‘free to choose to stay home?’ Data from Israel- arguably the best we have in the world right now - shows that a fully vaccinated...
  12. .450 Rigby CZ 550 Rifle

    .450 Rigby CZ 550 Rifle
