Recent content by Doug Hamilton

  1. D

    Heavy Recoil lead shot in stock?

    Mercury recoil reducers are available from many firearms suppliers such as Brownell's. Balance can also be an issue. I'd talk to a qualified gunsmith before I started drilling holes in a walnut stock.
  2. D

    What's up with todays' gun shops?

    Sorry. My mistake. I meant to reply to swashington. He said that a rifle without a detachable magazine wasn't worth carrying. Not sure how I replied to you.
  3. D

    What's up with todays' gun shops?

    Not sure why you would think that a detachable magazine would be better than a hinged floor plate on a bolt action hunting rifle. It certainly isn't any safer and I have heard the stories of loose magazines falling out and lost. I had one fall out, I saw it and picked it up, catastrophe avoided...
  4. D

    on a lighter note...

  5. D

    Best balls

    So I've heard. Still jot interested.
  6. D

    Best balls

    Chicken abortions?
  7. D

    kruger or victoria falls

    Tiger fishing probably won't be good then, but a trip to see Vic Falls and Chobe National Park is well worth the time. We stayed at A'Zambezi in 2022. Nice hotel. They say Victoria Falls Hotel is really good, but it was booked for the time we were going to be there. Talk to Jennifer Ginn at...
  8. D

    What's up with todays' gun shops?

    I'm not planning on buying any more guns either.....oh, wait.... Look at the .375 that guy is selling!
  9. D

    Best balls

    I've heard that one before. In fact I've used it with my friend who is a urologist. I still can't bring myself to try eating them.
  10. D

    Best balls

    I've always prided myself on eating most anything anyone else will eat, but can't get around the idea of eating anything that holds shit (intestine) or piss (kidney).
  11. D

    Not-so-stinky Sunscreen

    Or he could use a nice ladies cologne to attract the bulls...we may be on to something here!
  12. D

    on a lighter note...

    Sounds like your cat took texting lessons from my two Labradors.
  13. D

    Would you mount a Female Cape Buffalo?

    Wise ass. Okay. It was funny. ;-) Doug
  14. D

    Would you mount a Female Cape Buffalo?

    Personally, I wouldn't unless it matched a bull mount or there was an unforgettable story to go with it. What else do we have mounts for except to capture our memories and to provide background for stories? Or maybe do it just because you want to.
  15. D

    on a lighter note...

    True, but it's still funny!