Recent content by Badger81

  1. Badger81

    2 Elephant Hunts Still Available

    This is about the quality of elephant you can expect
  2. Badger81

    2 Elephant Hunts Still Available

    Solids only for elephant and 416 rifle is perfect 400 grain solids
  3. Badger81

    2 Elephant Hunts Still Available

    Email us on
  4. Badger81

    2 Elephant Hunts Still Available

    drinks and snacks around the campfire
  5. Badger81

    2 Elephant Hunts Still Available

  6. Badger81

    2 Elephant Hunts Still Available

    Croc can be added with extra days and $4000 trophy fee
  7. Badger81

    2 Elephant Hunts Still Available

    100% no problem
  8. Badger81

    2 Elephant Hunts Still Available

    15 to 25 pound and yes all exportable
  9. Badger81

    2 Elephant Hunts Still Available

    Sorry Lon hasn’t been feeling well again so im trying to answer all questions 10 hunting days trophy bulls exportable We hunt what is available if extra days are added it will be at $600 per day
  10. Badger81

    2 Elephant Hunts Still Available

    Btwn 15 to 25 pounds
  11. Rhodesian Ridgeback Dogs

    Rhodesian Ridgeback Dogs

  12. Badger81

    Let’s see your pup

    Our Rhodesian Ridgebacks
  13. Badger81

    Starting to plan for ‘25. Buffalo +

    Zimbabwe offers really great buffalo hunts Send us a email at Tokoloshe Safaris
  14. Badger81

    Where to next?

    Zimbabwe is really good for any dangerous game hunts Save valley and many others offer great hunting